Hot Water

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"Yeah, and drinking coffee's not a crime

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"Yeah, and drinking coffee's not a crime." -Hanna Marin

(A/n: sorry that this chapter is so short!)

-Emily's perspective-

"Any word from Jason?" Aria asked Spencer. The four of them were at the Brew, since Hanna had driven Isabel back to her apartment. Seeing Jason almost get killed was enough trauma for one lifetime, but then having him leave her right after? That was pure cruelty.

"No. Nothing," Spencer sighed, rotating her cup a bit.

"Okay, so now that the whole NAT Club is out of Rosewood, do you think that 'A' will retire?" Hanna frowned, and they all stared.

"Or just have more time for us," Spencer scoffed.

"Way to think positive, Spence," Hanna said sarcastically.

"I just doubt suddenly everything's gonna be lilacs and daffodils," Spencer shrugged.

"Guys, let's focus," Emily sighed, but all she could think about was if Isabel was ever gonna be okay again. "Isabel found a picture of CeCe and Wilen with Ali when CeCe was having an affair with him."

"Yeah, a picture that's now gone," Aria reminded them. "New rule. Next time we see anything that might be important to us down the road, it goes in the phone."

Spencer's phone beeped, and she looked at it, yet Hanna still went on.

"Okay, so is it possible that CeCe is... What are we calling her, red coat?" Hanna frowned.

"I never saw a face," Emily sighed, but it all made too much sense. Being Jason's ex, then trapping Isabel in a coffin twice, hijacking an elevator so that he'd crash, possibly killing him or Isabel...

"Yeah, me neither," Hanna agreed.

"What do you think, Spencer?" Aria asked as they all watched her closely.

"Hmm?" Spencer replied distractedly, looking up.

"Blonde? Red coat? Captain of the 'A' team?" Emily scoffed, trying to refresh her memory. Great, now two of the girls were uncapable of coping because their boyfriends broke up with them. Well... more like left, in Isabel's situation.

"Maybe it's CeCe," Spencer suggested, and they all stared at her again. Really, Spence?

"Pay attention. We need this brain trust firing on all cylinders," Aria sighed, but then pursed her lips. "Poor Isabel."

"What happened tonight with you and Wren?" Hanna asked, peeping at Spencer's phone.

"It's nothing. I- Mona and I had a... moment, and, uh, he saw, that's all," Spencer shrugged, hiding her phone nonetheless.

"A moment that might make her try and cut Isabel in half?" Aria scoffed.

"No. No, you guys, this wasn't Mona," Spencer assured them, with a worried look on her face. "We were in a different county."

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