A Person Of Interest

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"Spencer's parents think she's nuts

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"Spencer's parents think she's nuts." -Hanna Marin

The next day, the girls were all at the Rosewood PD. The detective that had cornered them yesterday, Det. Breyer was now questioning each of them separately.

"Why are you girls so sure that Ian Thomas killed Alison DiLaurentis?" Breyer asked.

"We received a video was sent to us by an anonymous source. Probably the same person who sent it to you,"Isabel explained. "It was loaded onto Spencer's laptop. This time we saw who Alison was talking to. It was Ian. He told her to come closer..." she gulped. "And she did."

"Do you have this video?" Breyer asked. Isabel shook her head. "Is their any other evidence that these two were...involved?"

"Ian and Alison were together the weekend before she went missing. Spencer called Hilton Head, but Ian lied to Spencer. He stayed at Hilton Head last summer."

"Thank you," Breyer sighed. "Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?"



Isabel exited the room, and met up with the others. She was the last to go in, anyway. All of the girls' parents were there. Isabel looked away pointedly.

"Isabel?" Ms. Marin, Hanna's mom, called. Isabel walked up to her. "Hanna told me about your...situation. If you ever need a place to stay, you're welcome to stay at ours."

"Thank you, Ms. Marin," Isabel smiled. "Um, I'd have to talk to Hanna about it, but otherwise, yeah, thank you. Right now, I'm fine, but if I ever need it..."

"Of course, honey," Ms. Marin nodded. Isabel smiled and walked over to the others again.

"...lied about it, too, Spence," Emily was saying.

"Hey. What were you and my mom talking about?" Hanna asked.

"Uh," Isabel stammered. "She just offered your place to stay. Bu-but I don't need it, I'm good right now."

"Oh, come on," Hanna sighed. "Say yes. Please."

"Yeah, so you can try and tease me about Jason every day? Yeah, no," Isabel joked.

"Darn," Hanna muttered.

"What about Mike? How did last night go?" Aria asked.

"He, um...he rejected me," Isabel replied.

"I'm so sorry." Aria's face fell. "I was hoping you two would get back together again. One day, you could be my sister-in-law."

"Hol' up," Isabel laughed. "Just because we dated for, like, a second, doesn't mean we're gonna get married tomorrow."

"But you might! Come on, he'll forgive you," Aria assured her.

"Yeah," Isabel sighed. Thing was, she wasn't so sure.

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