It's Alive

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"Miss me?" - Noel Kahn

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"Miss me?" - Noel Kahn

The girls were still at the church, dumbfounded.

"He wasn't moving, okay, and he was not breathing," Aria panicked.

"Because he was dead," Emily said firmly.

"Is dead," Spencer corrected her. "Not was, is."

"So, unless we're saying Ian's a zombie, someone moved the body," Isabel frowned.

"It was probably stuffed in the trunk of 'A's car," Hanna scoffed.

"It's probably on its way to a meat grinder," Emily added.

"Oh, Em, come on, you gotta quit watching those horror films," Aria said, shaking her head.

"You guys, 'A's probably watching us right now," Spencer urged.

"Any one of these people could be 'A'," Emily nodded to the crowd.

"Half the town is here!" Isabel exclaimed, rolling her eyes.

Garrett walked up to them. "They want to see you girls down at the station. I'm here to drive you."

"Uh, well, I saw my parents earlier. They're going to want to know where we're going," Aria frowned.

"They'll meet us there," Garrett promised. "Come on."


Isabel was squashed in the backseat, and she frowned as Garrett pulled into an alleyway.

"Hey, I thought we were going to the police station," Hanna scoffed.

"Why are we stopping?" Spencer added.

"Garrett..." Isabel warned.

"Let's go," Garrett told them, pointing outside.

"No, I'm not going anywhere," Hanna snapped.

"Get out of the car," Garrett ordered. They begrudgingly did.

"So?!" Isabel demanded when they were all outside.

"It's not safe to talk in the car," Garrett said.

"It doesn't really feel safe out here, either," Hanna scoffed.

"Look," Garrett sighed. "I'm sorry if I scared you, but there's some things you guys need to know before you start answering questions."

"We're listening," Spencer nodded.

"All right, like I told Isabel, the police cannot know that you were blackmailing Ian, and that I was helping you," Garrett started. "It's a serious crime."

"Well, what about the messenger?" Aria asked him.

"He doesn't want any trouble," Garrett replied.

"And the money?" Isabel spoke up.

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