She's Come Undone

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"Aria, if it were me, I would've burned this whole place down

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"Aria, if it were me, I would've burned this whole place down." -Hanna Marin

The girls were at Aria's as she explained what had happened. Ezra wasn't 'A', he was just using them all for a book about Alison.

"Did you actually read any of this book?" Spencer asked.

"A few pages," Aria nodded hoarsely, staring at her feet whilst curled up on the couch. "Bits and pieces." She looked positively numb. "Ezra knew who I was before we met. He knew who all of us were. And he knew Alison too."

"So he admitted to being in a relationship with her?" Emily frowned.

"Yeah, a brief one," Aria replied.

"Then he must be Board Shorts," Hanna scoffed.

"Well, Ezra didn't try to kill Alison," Aria said as Isabel pursed her lips. "His whole book is trying to piece together who did it."

"How is he gonna do that when the police can't even figure it out?" Isabel asked skeptically.

"I don't know," Aria shrugged. "He has a theory though."

"And? What is it?" Emily pressed.

Aria took a moment before responding. "He thinks that one of us did it."

"You're kidding, right?" Spencer laughed bitterly.

"Well, now we know it's a work of fiction," Emily agreed.

"Which one of us is he trying to pin it on?" Isabel added, raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't get that far," Aria responded.

"You didn't think to ask?" Spencer shot back.

"Why?" Aria snapped. "We know that that's not true."

"Just because he wrote a book doesn't mean he's not 'A'," Emily argued. "You know, he could be using it as a way to place the blame on one of us and keep suspicion off of him."

"No, he doesn't need to do that," Hanna scoffed. "He knows that Ali's alive."

"But he didn't know that when he started writing the book," Spencer pointed out.

"Guys, listen, Ezra's not 'A,'" Isabel said loudly. They stared at her.

"Yeah, he's a writer who found a great opportunity to make a name for himself and he used me," Aria agreed, and Isabel put a hand on her shoulder. "He used us."

They were silent for a moment before Spencer spoke up. "So wait, what are we saying, that all of that stuff in that room in Ravenswood, that was just research for his book?"

"He's been working on it for years," Aria nodded bitterly.

"Well, we've seen the surveillance equipment, so we know he's been watching us," Hanna added.

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