Keep Your Friends Close

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"I know you wanna kiss me" -Alison DiLaurentis

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"I know you wanna kiss me" -Alison DiLaurentis

Hanna was staring at her face in her locker's mirror.

"Okay, I need to ask you guys something and I need you to be totally honest with me," Hanna stated, turning around.

"Of course," Aria nodded.

 "Yeah," Spencer agreed.

"Is this side of my face fatter than this side?" Hanna frowned, turning her head to each side.

"No," they all said in unison.

"Is that lan?" Aria asked all of the sudden. Isabel turned around and saw Ian talking to some jocks.

"Yeah," Isabel sighed. "I hear he's the new field hockey coach."

"Does Melissa know he's back?" Emily spoke up.

"Don't know why she broke up with him," Hanna shrugged.

"She didn't. He broke up with her," Spencer clarified. Isabel had never thought Ian was cute. Of course, with his boyish good looks and tousled brown hair, she got why some girls would like him. But he just wasn't attractive to her.

"Hey!" Mona smiled, walking up to them. She handed each girl some sort of invitation. "The first one's for my bestie. And one for each of you, my bestie's other friends."

"Oh, what's this?" Aria raised an eyebrow, unamused.

"Oh, nothing," Mona grinned. "Only an invitation to the most awesome birthday party ever, Camp Mona."

"Camp Mona?" Isabel repeated.

"Don't let the camping part scare you. It's 'glamping,' not camping," Mona assured them. "'M' is for Mona and massages, not mosquitoes." She then saw two of her other friends. "Oh, Naomi, Riley, hey, wait up!" And she was gone again. 

Isabel put the invitation away in her bag. "Why is Mona inviting us to her birthday party?"

"She knows that we're friends again and she's just trying to reach out to you," Hanna explained. "She's trying to be nice. So are you gonna go?"

"I know she's your friend, but..." Spencer said hesitantly.

"Yeah, but I'm gonna have to pass," Aria agreed.

"I don't think so, either," Isabel sighed. Suddenly, their phones all beeped.

'Camp Mona's a scavenger hunt and I'm the prize. Come and find me, bitches. -A'


The next day, Isabel was talking to the girls by their lockers.

"Hey, what's going on?" Aria  asked, walking up to them.

"The cops are here," Hanna replied.

"They found something of Alison's," Spencer whispered. Suddenly, an announcement over the P.A. System sounded.

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