The Blond Leading the Blind

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"Dance, you little bastards

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"Dance, you little bastards." -Spencer Hastings

Isabel talked to Caleb at the Rive Gauche. He handed her the flash drive, and she took it reluctantly.

"Isabela, I know that you don't want me to be doing this, but it's the only way I can protect you and Hanna," he sighed, seeing the look on her face.

"You can protect us without endangering yourself," Isabel protested.

"Really? How?" He asked skeptically.

Isabel just pressed her lips together disapprovingly.

"See?" Caleb scoffed. "Isabela, look, I know you love me, and I love you too, sis, but I need to help you guys, not to mention, figure out what the hell you're trying to hide from me and why."

"Caleb, I'm not hiding anything from you." Lie.

"Really? So you just happened to find this phone, and because you don't know what's on it, you need me to hack it, but somehow, you do know that its' dangerous, so you also can't tell me why," Caleb asked skeptically.

"Basically," Isabel snapped, getting up.

"Come, on, Isabela," Caleb began. "You-"

"Like they say in Latin, suus 'in bonis tuis," Isabel shrugged.

"Latin's a dead language," Caleb frowned.

"Then, in French, c'est pour ton bien," Isabel snapped. "Or, if you prefer Spanish, es por tu propio bien."

"How are you so smart?" Caleb frowned as Isabel walked off angrily.


"I passed your mom heading out," Isabel sighed, walking into Spencer's kitchen.

"Then it's go time," Spencer replied, holding out her hand for the flash drive. "Isabel?" Isabel didn't move a muscle. "Isabel."

Isabel sighed, reluctantly giving her the flash drive.

"How much did Caleb get?" Spencer asked.

"I don't know," Isabel scoffed, throwing her hands up. "He said he was up most the night."

"It's not like we expected decrypting files from 'A's phone was gonna be easy," Spencer shrugged as she took out her laptop.

"Is Caleb still asking whose phone it is?" Emily said, changing the subject.

"Every chance he gets. And I'm still lying to him," Isabel sighed, burying her head in her hands.

"We know it wasn't Lucas," Aria pointed out. "My money's on Garrett, in the greenhouse with the phone."

"Jenna broke up with Garrett," Emily frowned.

"Yeah, after," Aria replied.

"The point is Caleb is still asking about everything..." Hanna interrupted, turning to Isabel.

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