Stolen Kisses

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"I have to face my fears

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"I have to face my fears. I can't hide forever. I can't keep being afraid." -Maya St. Germain

The girls were gathered in Emily's room, trying to hack into Maya's website.

"Mona's trying to help us. Why else would she give us this?" Hanna assured them. She was the one typing on the laptop.

"Emily's still on the phone," Aria sighed as she walked in. "She seemed to take it okay, didn't she?"

"What, like we should be used to hearing from ghosts by now?" Spencer scoffed as Isabel looked up at Aria.

"Spencer, why can't you admit that she is trying to help us?" Hanna snapped.

"Hanna, did you ever stop to think why Mona would want to help us?" Isabel pointed out, and Spencer shot her a grateful look.

"Because she's afraid of something- just like we were afraid of her," Hanna replied, turning to glare at her now.

"I don't know," Isabel muttered.

"Yeah, you don't know," Hanna snapped. "But the cops are still after my blood."

"I told you, my mom will handle that," Spencer assured her.

"I hate needles," Isabel shuddered. Hanna just sighed and walked away, but still in the room.

"Okay, look... whether this if fake or not, we've got to figure out what's on that site," Aria said. Suddenly, Emily walked in, and they all stared at her.

"It was Nate," she explained as she sat down on her bed.

"What did he want?" Aria gulped.

"I promised to hike up with him to the old boat house," Emily replied. "Told him it was Maya's favorite spot in Rosewood."

"You're not... gonna, like, tell him about this, are you?" Isabel asked, nervously glancing around.

"If I did that, I'd have to tell him how we know about it," Emily pointed out.

"Em, what do you... want us to do about this?" Aria asked after a second of silence, gesturing to the laptop.

"Do you mind if we try and break into Maya's site?" Isabel added.

"We have to," Emily muttered.

"How do we get past the password?" Aria asked as they gathered around the laptop.

"It's just a password... there are ways of cracking it," Spencer shrugged. Suddenly, Emily got up, walked over to the laptop, and typed in a few letters. It was wrong.

"Thought I had an idea of what it was. Guess I don't know her as well as I thought I did," Emily scoffed. She shut the laptop closed.


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