She's Better Now

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"You're in this class to discuss American history, not mine

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"You're in this class to discuss American history, not mine. Got it?" -Meredith Swanson

Isabel, Spencer, and Aria were at the Brew, getting their coffees.

"So this is the new world order?" Aria scoffed. "We're gonna have to face off with Mona in school every day?"

"Yeah, she told Hanna that she's better now," Spencer agreed as Aria poured her coffee.

"Better at what?" Isabel huffed. "Ruining our lives?"

"I'll tell you what. She sneaks in my house past midnight, I'm sleeping with a crowbar under my pillow," Aria shuddered as Isabel poured sugar into her coffee.

"Yeah, the only question is, do we ignore her?" Spencer added.

"Mmn... here's a hint. Yes!" Isabel said sarcastically.

"Yeah, but Mona had serious insight into what happened to Maya," Spencer replied as they walked off with their breakfast. "What if she could tell us why Garrett was killed?"

"So now you think Mona's the keeper of more secrets?" Isabel scoffed when they sat down. "And like she's gonna tell us?"

"She certainly knows all of ours," Spencer shrugged. "And who knows. Of course that she has some kind of connection to the NAT club..."

"Spence, that club ended while she was still loser Mona. Pre-lasik and metal mouth," Isabel pointed out, sipping her coffee.

"If those pervs didn't even wanna peep in her window, why would they wanna hang out with her?" Aria added, and Isabel glared at her. "M- minus Jason."

"Maybe she was peeping at them," Spencer frowned, deep in thought.

"Look, two members of the NAT club are dead," Isabel sighed. "And we're not counting Jason."

"Okay, maybe the person who killed Ali is still freaked out that there's a tape floating around somewhere out there," Spencer nodded. She nervously turned to Aria. "Did you... Did you ever ask your dad?"

"Ask him what?" Aria replied, sipping her coffee.

"About what Garrett said," Isabel said, getting right to the point. "You know, about him meeting up with Ali that night."

"My dad and I are finally getting along," Aria scoffed, getting up. Isabel and Spencer quickly followed. "Well, I'm not gonna slap him with some whacked-out story Garret made up so he could clear his own name."

"I hear you, but-" Spencer began.

"But what?" Aria snapped. "Isabel, Spence, Garrett lied about a lot. Why are we suddenly gonna believe anything he ever said?"


"I'm basically under house arrest," Emily complained. They were in front of the school, waiting for the bell to ring. She carried her bike to the bike rack. "My mom's now using my dad to squeeze information out of me about Halloween, the lighthouse."

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