Run, Ali, Run

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(A/n: I'm so sorry, the holidays have been so hectic and I haven't had that much time to write

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(A/n: I'm so sorry, the holidays have been so hectic and I haven't had that much time to write. This is what I've pieced together, so I hope you enjoy it.)

Isabel stared at the phone in her hands.

"It's from 'A,'" she gulped, eyes wide. No, no, this can't be happening. 'A' died with Shana!

"What does it say?" Caleb asked. Aria read it aloud.

'Did you miss me, bitches?'

"It can't be," Emily panicked as she held her phone with a death grip. "Shana's dead."

Everyone was quiet for a second. Then Hanna turned to Spencer, asking, "Where's Toby?"

"I don't know," Spencer muttered as they watched the house burn.

Suddenly, Toby's house exploded again, making them scream and duck to the ground.


"Will you please call me later?" Spencer said. They all were in Emily's room, and she was talking to Toby over the phone, and her eyebrows were knitted together with worry. "Okay. Bye." She sighed, hanging up and turning to Aria.

"Well, what did Toby say?" Aria asked nervously.

"Nobody was inside the house," Spencer replied.

Emily let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God."

"Yeah, but his dad did break his leg trying to avoid a tree coming down," Spencer explained, walking over to the others.

"Well, it could've been worse," Hanna shrugged.

"Yeah. Caleb's with them at the hospital," Isabel added, putting her own phone down, which she was using to text Caleb.

"Guys, what does this mean?" Ali gulped, holding up her phone. The 'A' text was still there, like a warning almost. "That we were wrong about Shana?"

"That 'A's alive and knows that I killed her," Aria snapped. She looked terrifed, and Isabel didn't blame her. 'A' would surely hold New York over her head for the rest of her life.

"That's impossible," Emily scoffed. "We all heard what Shana said in that theater."

"No, she never said that she was 'A,'" Isabel pointed out. "She never used those words."

"She had everything but the letter painted on her," Emily argued.

"Em, come on," Hanna huffed. "We got a text seconds after the house blew up. Either Shana can cause explosions from the grave or 'A' is back."

"Or never left," Spencer muttered. They all stared at her.

"Wait, what are you saying?" Emily frowned.

"I think 'A' took a nap and woke up tonight," Spencer huffed.

"'A's been here the whole time just watching us, waiting for the right moment to resurface," Aria agreed quietly.

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