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"But they don't make a loofa that scrapes out the inside of your head

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"But they don't make a loofa that scrapes out the inside of your head." -Spencer Hastings

Hanna, Aria, Isabel, and Emily visited Spencer at Radley.

"You have visitors," the lady there announced to Spencer. Isabel took one look at Spencer and knew she was broken. Besides, this place did look kind of inviting... "Spencer? I'll be in the hall if you need me." She left, and Isabel sat down next to Spencer, who looked at her warily.

"Hey. You knew we were coming, right?" Emily asked in a soft voice as she pulled up a chair. "We spoke with your mom."

"We wanted to be here the first day," Aria added.

"But she said you were going to be home tomorrow, so..." Emily continued.

Spencer looked up at the others for the first time. "She still believes that? She thinks that I'll be able to sleep through the night if I just take a nice bubble bath and lay in my own bed?" And Isabel understood every word she said.

"I think what she wants is-" Emily began cautiously.

"I know what she wants, but they don't make a loofa that scrapes out the inside of your head," Spencer scoffed, and Isabel wished they did. She so wished they did.

The girls sat in silence until Hanna spoke up. "The park rangers found a body."

"Hanna!" Isabel, Emily, and Aria exclaimed.

"What?" Hanna huffed, looking between them and Spencer, who looked scared. "The sooner she knows, the sooner she checks out of this place."

"What Hanna is trying to say is we have good news," Emily sighed. "They found a body in the woods. The police believe it was a camper."

"It was Toby," Spencer muttered.

Aria stared at her hesitantly before answering. "No, Spence, it wasn't. This person, he- he'd been missing for awhile and he was nowhere near where you thought you saw-"

"I know what I saw," Spencer said firmly. "It was Toby."

Once again, they were silent, and once again, Aria broke that silence. "Hey, so, um, I was thinking tomorrow night when you get home, we could all-"

"I need to stay here. I need more time," Spencer cut her off, looking away.

"Time for what?" Hanna snapped.

"Hanna, if she wants to stay here, she can. Personally, I would. I should," Isabel mumbled.

"Be my guest," Spencer said sarcastically.

"No, Isabel, shuffling around in Mona's old slippers isn't going to get either of you any better," Hanna scoffed.

"Hanna, chill, I was only kidding," Isabel laughed bitterly. No, they'd most likely take her apartment away if she did.

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