The Goodbye Look

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"I spy a liar" -'A'

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"I spy a liar" -'A'

The girls were still in the greenhouse. Suddenly, someone started shutting all the doors.

"What the hell was that?" Isabel gulped.

"Did things just get incredibly worse?" Aria panicked.

"I can't believe this. Ian's dead!" Emily shouted as Isabel looked around for the source of the noise in a frenzy.

"No, zombies don't text!" Hanna snapped. "Okay? He is alive somewhere."

"Spence?" Isabel turned to the one person who would have the sense to get the hell outta there.

"I have to get this phone home before Melissa realizes that it's gone," Spencer said slowly. A clattering noise that sounded like someone was dropping a bucket of rocks on the ceiling startled Isabel.

"Okay, you put it back, and then what do we do?" Isabel asked quickly. 

"Do we call the cops?" Aria added.

"Oh, yeah, because that always works out so well for us," Isabel snapped, looking for an escape.

"Why is Ian texting Melissa?" Emily frowned.

"And why is Melissa answering him?" Hanna said to Spencer.

"Is she? I mean, we don't know how long this has been going on," Spencer argued.

"You know what?" Isabel freaked. "You have this stupid argument. I'm going."


The girls were walking home, approaching Spencer's house.

"Let's finish this in the morning, okay?" Hanna huffed. "I'm cold, damp and scared. We can talk at school."

"We can't talk at school, remember?" Isabel said, rolling her eyes.

"The four of us are supposed to be having 'separate time'," Aria added as they walked along. "Doctor's orders."

"So, what are we supposed to do, not talk to each other?" Hanna scoffed.

"We're in the same classes," Emily added as Isabel wrapped her jacket tighter around her numb body.

"We just have to play it cool," Spencer nodded. Suddenly, they heard a clattering noise. Again. But it was in front of the DiLaurentis house this time.

It was Jason.

He was back.

"It's Jason," Spencer stated the obvious. He was cleaning up some boxes, throwing them away.

"Did he move back in?" Hanna frowned, turning to Isabel.

"No, he's just cleaning up the neighbor's trash," Isabel said sarcastically. Hanna scoffed.

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