Blood is the New Black

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"Don't look at me

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"Don't look at me. I'm ready to hang a sign- 'Bitch can see.'" -Aria Montgomery

"The author goes to great lengths to establish Hedda Gabler as a strong, proud woman, someone who could never live with the threat of being blackmailed," Ella explained. Isabel was in her English class, listening to what seemed to be a parody of their lives, but was really just 'Hedda Gabler'. Ella passed out packets as she spoke. "But Hedda was pushed to take a desperate action. And while she may have seen it as brave, we see it as tragic. What might really be tragic is if some of you don't start taking some notes."

Isabel sighed and stared at her detailed notes. Oh well, at least she wasn't gonna fail this class.

"Sorry. Senior year is not all about skipping classes and dancing for the security cameras at Walmart," Ella continued, walking back up to the front of the class. "That's what your weekends are for. You might also want to research some of his other plays and see how they were received at that time... "

Suddenly, Emily gasped and stared at something in her hands. The whole class, including Isabel, gawked at her as she almost had a panic attack.

"Emily, is everything all right?" Ella frowned as she shot up.

"C-can I be excused?" Emily stammered. Then, without waiting for an answer, she rushed out of class. Isabel, Spencer, and Aria got up and followed her. Hanna walked by, and stopped, confused.

"Emily-" Hanna called. "Wait, what's going on?"

"No, no. Just come on," Spencer said as they followed Emily into the girls' bathroom.

When they pushed the door open, Emily was furiously scrubbing her hands at the sink.

"Em, what's the matter? Talk to us," Isabel asked. Emily handed her a necklace with the words 'Dead girls can't smile' on it.

"What is that?" Hanna asked while Isabel stared at it. Great, 'A' really was back.

"Are those teeth?" Aria frowned as Hanna took the Teeth Necklace from Isabel.

"Please just get rid of it," Emily gulped. Isabel handed the 'necklace' to Spencer.

"It wasn't enough to steal her bones, now we're gonna get pieces of her delivered to us?" Aria scoffed.

"Guys, there probably aren't even human," Spencer said as she inspected it.

"They're totally human!" Hanna hissed.

"How do you know?" Spencer scoffed.

"Because I worked at a dentist's office, Spencer," Hanna shot back.

"For two days, answering phones," Isabel pointed out, and Hanna rounded on her.

"Yeah, and there were teeth everywhere," she huffed. "Even the friggin' bathroom key was shaped like a cuspid."

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