That Girl is Poison

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"Having a son in jail for two murders might keep you indoors

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"Having a son in jail for two murders might keep you indoors." -Spencer Hastings

Isabel, Spencer, Emily, and Aria walked out of Emily's house in the middle of the night.

"I thought Hanna was joining us for dinner," Emily frowned as she closed her door.

"Hanna hasn't eaten since Tuesday," Spencer scoffed.

"Should we grab a pizza and go over there?" Emily suggested.

"Not unless the topping is Caleb," Isabel shrugged, and Emily raised an eyebrow at her.

"If you guys want to go see her, can you just go without me?" Aria asked nervously. "I already feel bad enough that I convinced her to tell Caleb."

"Well, I kinda told Caleb to talk to her, so..." Isabel muttered.

"With or without you guys, she was backed into a corner," Emily assured them. Isabel still felt responsible, though.

"This 'A' does not feel like a high school girl playing games," Spencer huffed.

"Probably not even a high schooler," Isabel mumbled, crossing her arms.

"Okay, well, if you figure out those rules, can you tell the rest of us?" Aria asked as they came to a stop.

"You know what? I'm not really hungry," Emily said.

"Me either," Aria agreed, looking at Isabel.

"Don't look at me, I'm always hungry," she shrugged.

"My stomach's in a knot," Spencer scoffed. "So's my neck. I haven't been able to brush the back of my head in, like, a year and a half."

"Spence, don't let them freak you out. If the police really knew that we were lying about the lake house-" Aria replied.

"Not just the lake house. What about the negatives of that picture, Ali's missing body, all the things we buried with her... any of that could get us arrested," Emily added.

"It's my neck again," Spencer complained as she stretched her neck. Suddenly, police sirens wailed, and Isabel wished she wasn't so familiar with them.

"Are they going to Jenna's?" Aria frowned as ambulances and police cars swarmed Garrett's house.

"Garrett's," Isabel replied, trying to get a better look.

"Well, who else lives in his house besides his parents?" Aria asked as they walked closer.

"I don't think they've been outside since he was arrested," Emily said.

"Having a son in jail for two murders might keep you indoors," Spencer shrugged as they continued to stare. Mrs. Reynolds was wheeled out of her house on a stretcher, and Emily spoke up.

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