The Homecoming Hangover

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"... Then why am I sitting on my bed, and not in a body bag?"- Emily Feilds

"Emily!" Hanna yelled.

"Emily!" Spencer shouted.

"Em? Are you up here?" Aria called. They stopped at the end of the hall, and Spencer switched on the lights. Emily wasn't there, and when they started to flicker, Spencer turned them off.

"That's creepy," Isabel muttered.

"Um, why don't we split up?" Spencer suggested.

"Um, why don't we not?" Hanna scoffed.

"Hanna, you can come with me," Aria said, pulling her by the arm. "You too, Spencer."

"No-Hey! Why do I have to be alone?" Isabel complained.

"Uh, cause you're the brave one," Hanna huffed.

Before Isabel could retort, Spencer said, "Fine! We'll split up together."

Aria pulled out her phone and dialed someone. "Who are you calling?" Hanna snapped.

"Emily," Aria explained. "I'm trying her until she picks up."

Suddenly, someone's phone rang. It sounded like it was coming from down the hall, so the four of them rushed there. And there it was. Emily's phone.

But not Emily.

Hanna picked it up, looking at the classroom that it was next to. The chem lab.

"Emily?" they called, slowly stepping in.

"What the hell happened in here?" Isabel scoffed. The shelf of vials was knocked over, and a stool was on its side on the floor. One vial was broken, a red liquid pooled on the ground.

"Is that blood?" Hanna gulped.

"Don't go there," Spencer warned as Hanna walked into the classroom.

"Why not? She was up here with Toby," Aria scoffed. Isabel gave her one last glance before staring at the broken vial. Where was Emily?


That night, Isabel walked home, seeing as she had no car. She'd hardly call it home. A bed, a mini-fridge, and a bathroom didn't count as a real house.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be at homecoming?"

Isabel turned around. "Mike."

"Sup?" Mike smiled, walking over. "Why aren't you there?"

"I left early," Isabel shrugged. She nervously fiddled with the straps of the only purse she owned, one Ali had gotten her as a birthday gift.

"Do you need to be somewhere?" Mike asked.

"No, why, what's up?" Isabel chuckled. Mike was silent for a second.

"I really like you," Mike admitted shyly. Isabel's heart skipped a beat. Mike actually liked her?

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