Please Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone

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"It's immortality, my darlings

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"It's immortality, my darlings." -Alison DiLaurentis

"So, this is it?" Isabel smiled as Spencer and Aria hauled a package into Spencers living room. In it was supposed to be the finishing piece for Alison's memorial.

"I was afraid she wouldn't get it done in time for the memorial," Aria nodded as they continued to wheel the crate in.

"This was someone from your mom's gallery?" Hanna asked.

"Right," Aria agreed. Her and Spencer set the crate down.

"Where is your mom?" Isabel asked curiously.

"There's an apartment above the gallery," Aria explained. "So she's staying there. For now."

"Kind of weird, isn't it? Your mom moving out," Hanna muttered.

"Yeah, like my dad should have left. That's what you'd expect," Aria vented.

"Aria," Spencer huffed.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that," Aria promised, seeing the look on Hanna's face. "The whole thing just sucks."

"I know," Hanna nodded. Isabel got up and helped unscrew the top of the crate.

"Did anyone call Shelly Leonard?" Emily asked.

"Done," Spencer agreed, setting down her screwdriver for one second. "I told her that if she plays anything depressing, I will kick in her cello."

"You said that?" Isabel laughed. The others laughed as well when Spencer nodded.

"Oh, what about the program?" Aria asked Isabel.

"Almost done. But we should finish it..." Isabel began, but started grinning. "...before Ali's brother gets here."

"When is that?" Aria replied.

"Tonight," Isabel smiled. "He wants to see us in the morning."

"God, you know what? I barely remember Jason," Hanna sighed, walking over. Jason DiLaurentis was Ali's older brother, and he used to be a total party boy. Back when Isabel used to deal, Jason was one of her favorite clients. They had grown very close, and by the time Jason was dragged off by his parents, Isabel had lost a best friend. He used to take her to bars, clubs, and parties behind Ali's back.

"We didn't know him," Aria shrugged, unscrewing the screw. "He was just Ali's older brother down the hall."

"Behind the closed door," Spencer added.

"With his hardcore-punk music vibrating the floor boards," Emily chuckled, making the others laugh.

"Hey, I knew him," Isabel argued. "And I liked punk music. Used to."

"How did he get into an Ivy League school?" Aria laughed.

"I don't know. It must've been affirmative action for goths and emos," Spencer shrugged.

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