Birds of a Feather

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"You know what they say, if the feather fits

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"You know what they say, if the feather fits." -Hanna Marin

"Do we really believe that Jenna was off on a joyride that night?" Aria scoffed. They were eating at the Grille while Mrs. Hastings and Melissa talked a few feet away.

"It was her plan to take Emily to Ali's grave all along," Spencer nodded as Isabel sneakily ate the last of the brownie.

"Seemed to me like she was scared of someone," Emily shrugged, not meeting their eyes.

"And it seemed like she was blind for five months when she wasn't," Isabel scoffed with her mouth full.

"For purposes of my head not exploding, could we just say that she is telling the truth?" Hanna sighed.

"Well, that would mean that we would cross her off the new 'A' list," Spencer replied.

"Then who's still on it?" Aria frowned, turning to Spencer.

"Lucas?" Emily asked skeptically.

"No way," Hanna scoffed. "He might be a little unhinged lately, but he's not capable of digging up a grave."

"Guys, all roads lead back to the Black Swan," Isabel pointed out, wiping her hands on a napkin. "We know that she was working with Mona, the sketches were in her lair."

"Spencer, mom wants to know if you want anything else," Melissa called, turning around. Isabel loved her outfit, but she'd never tell Spencer that.

"Uh, no. Thank you, mom," Spencer smiled as Mrs. Hastings turned around as well.

"Melissa looks great," Emily remarked.

"Yeah, she's back to being size too skinny," Hanna huffed enviously. When they were quiet, she added, "Black Swan skinny? Think about it. We know that she lied about when she lost her baby."

"Whoa, back up," Spencer scoffed.

"You think that she was pretending to be pregnant for that long?" Isabel added, leaning on the table. "No. That's, like, months."

"There's no way," Spencer agreed. "She wouldn't do that to my parents."

"Who else could it be?" Emily frowned.

"Mona started talking again, so maybe she can give me some answers," Hanna shrugged.

"Did you really think you could avoid me forever?"

Isabel's heart sank as she heard his voice. God no, Jason, don't do this, she thought as she turned around.

"How could you defend Garrett?" he scoffed, walking up to Mrs. Hastings.

"Let's not have this conversation here," she replied.

"Oh, it doesn't bother you that he murdered my sister?" Jason huffed, raising his voice. Isabel swore under her breath and got up

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