EscApe From New York

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 "I wouldn't want to go back to the person that I was before

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"I wouldn't want to go back to the person that I was before. All I cared about was winning. And now I just really want to be happy." -Spencer Hastings

Isabel's eyes slowly fluttered open. The familiar bright florescent glow of hospital lights filled her sight, and she panicked, shooting up. She was, indeed, in a hospital room.

Then she remembered everything. How Ali was alive, how 'A' tried to kill her-

'A' tried to kill Ali!

"Is she okay? Did- did Ali survive? Where's Ezra? And why didn't you catch 'A' yet?" Isabel stammered, looking around. Her eyes landed on Jason, who was sitting in a chair next to her bed.

"Hello, beautiful," he smiled, closing the book he was reading. She tried to get up, because was Ali alive? But he pushed her back down. "No, you need to get your rest."

"But..." Isabel began, but remembered that he didn't know. He must have thought she was delirious.

"Speaking of Ezra, he's actually in this same hospital," Jason replied, and her eyes widened. "He was shot, mugged I think."

That roughly translated to 'A' shot him. Isabel frowned, trying to remember how she had gotten hurt... oh right, 'A' also shot her. Now Ali had two people to worry about-

Ali! Where was she? And why wasn't she visiting Isabel?

"Have you... have you been here this whole time?" Isabel asked, scooting up a little.

"When I heard what happened, I rushed here, and I've been here ever since," Jason shrugged.

"And how long has that been?" she pressed.

"About..." he checked his watch. "Three hours."

"Three hours?" Isabel asked incredulously. "I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"Why would you be sorry? You were the one who was shot," he said softly. He seemed calm, but only she could see the worry and nervousness behind his eyes. "What happened, anyway? And why are you in New York?"

"'A' happened," she explained. "Um... I can't say much, it kinda aligns with stuff that happened while you were gone-"

"I really am sorry about that," he muttered, meeting her eyes only for a second, but that was enough for her to see that he was telling the truth. "I shouldn't have left you, and breaking your heart-"

"Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like," she smiled weakly. "It was only ever yours to break anyway."

"I shouldn't have, though," Jason replied, finally looking at her. And as an afterthought, "I love you."

"I love you, too," Isabel said before blacking out again.


Isabel awoke again sometime later to see Aria at the foot of her bed.

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