Turn of the Shoe

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"This is Mona

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"This is Mona. She started lying when she was a fetus." -Aria Montgomery

The girls were all at the Brew late at night.

"When was the last time your mom called you from New York?" Aria asked Hanna.

"I don't know, the day before yesterday. I haven't really been keeping track," she snapped.

"Have you checked your phone?" Emily pressed

"She called me from the hotel room, Emily," Hanna scoffed, holding up her phone. "She has no cell. Who was that freaky woman at the funeral?"

"Which freaky woman? There was a couple, Han," Aria huffed.

"The one in black with the veil, and she was just diving into that town car," Isabel clarified. Mrs. D had come up to them to talk at his funeral, but Isabel avoided her. Seeing his mother just... hurt more than it was supposed to.

"Speaking of freaks, where's Melissa?" Emily asked Spencer, who was arranging the food on the table to make some kind of... what the hell was that? "Spencer?"

"What?" she replied, looking up.

"Where's your sister been?" Emily repeated.

"DC, she's interviewing for an internship," Spencer shrugged.

"With who, Satan?" Hanna scoffed.

"Wait a second," Aria frowned. "You think that Melissa was the woman in black?"

"Do you?" Emily asked.

"I didn't really get a good look at her. I was trying not to wet myself when that new cop made a beeline over for us," Aria said, and Isabel shuddered. Holbrook may not be as inappropriate as Wilden, but he was just as creepy.

"Well, he can beeline all he wants. We didn't do anything to Wilden," Hanna snapped.

"Except for throw his car in a lake and leave fingerprints all over it when 'A' pulled it out," Isabel hissed, but then caught sight of her precious french fries being used as stacking tools. "Spencer, what are you doing with my french fries?!"

"I'm re-created the geography around the lodge to see if it's even possible that the person who jumped out of the plane could rescue you four from a burning building," Spencer explained, re-arranging some more fries. "Wait. Put down the mozzarella stick," Spencer said as Isabel and Hanna reached for some.

"It's mine," Hanna scoffed, about to eat it.

But Spencer just snatched it out of her hand. "No, it's not. It's a plane."

"Spencer, you can stack all the food that you want, it wasn't Alison," Aria said.

"Wait, why are you so sure?" Hanna frowned.

"Because I went to her funeral twice," Isabel replied sarcastically.

"We never saw a body," Hanna shot back.

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