Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno

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"I always hated biology

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"I always hated biology. Who cares how a cell divides? It just does." -Hanna Marin

(A/n: Sorry that this chapter was so short 😖)

Isabel, Aria, Hanna, and Spencer were strolling through the streets once again. But, being the kind of person who noticed little details, Isabel thought that Spencer seemed a bit... off.

"Still recovering?" Hanna joked, and Spencer looked at her strange. "From the anniversary dinner."

"Yeah. Yeah," Spencer nodded, looking down.

"Was he surprised?" Aria smiled.

"Mm-hmm. It was a really big surprise," Spencer replied, plastering a fake smile on her face. Isabel was getting quite concerned about her now.

"Where were you last night? Were you with Caleb?" She asked, turning to Hanna.

"No, he's being really weird," Hanna frowned. "Every time I try to make plans with him, he says he's busy, but he won't tell me what he's doing."

"He better not be cheating," Isabel huffed, crossing her arms. "I'm not related to no cheater." She added sarcastically.

"Why don't you just ask him? Be honest," Aria suggested.

"Wow. It's like the world's fattest man giving dieting tips," Hanna scoffed, and Aria stared at her. "Hello! You're the one who's sitting on a secret the size of the 'Natterhorn'!"

"Okay, if you're talking about Fitz and the kid, I'm gonna tell him today," Aria sighed. "And the goal was never to keep it from him. I-I'd wake up every morning with the intention of telling him, and then I'd go to sleep every night feeling guilty that I didn't."

"At least you have your afternoons free," Hanna shrugged.

"Nice bit of support, Hanna," Aria said sarcastically.

"Oh, and by the way, it's 'Matterhorn,'" Isabel added. Then she glanced over at Spencer, who she was now worrying about. "Aren't you the one that's supposed to be correcting her?"

"What?" Spencer blinked.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Aria frowned.

"Uh, nothing. We didn't really get much of an anniversary 'cause Toby had to get up early for work the next day," Spencer replied, but Isabel knew she was lying. She'd usually be all giddy about romance, not at all like this distracted, depressed girl.

"That sucks," Hanna huffed.

"Yeah, it does," Spencer nodded. She then stopped walking to address them. "Listen, um, I'm gonna skip the Brew today 'cause I have a lot of reading to catch up on, for English, so I'll catch you guys at lunch."

"Me too," Isabel agreed, but then ran to catch up with Spencer. "Spence!"

Spencer turned around and sighed. "What? I need to finish '1984' by Monday."

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