If at First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again

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"I didn't realize life existed at this hour

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"I didn't realize life existed at this hour." -Emily Fields

That night, the girls slept over at Spencer's.

"Wait. Where's lan?" Emily asked as the five of them sleepily made their way downstairs.

"Don't worry, he went to Philly to be with Melissa," Spencer assured her.

"I didn't realize life existed at this hour," Emily muttered.

"Come on, guys, just walk. You need to see this," Aria urged, hurrying over to the counter with Spencer's laptop.

"I hoped my first sunrise would have tequila in it," Hanna complained as they all sat down at the kitchen counter.

"I'll make coffee," Spencer offered.

"Well, when it's ready just pour it down my throat," Hanna sighed.

"Add sugar first," Isabel agreed.

"I thought we were done looking at this," Spencer said to Aria, who was staring at the picture of Alison.

"I mean, we know the shadow is lan, right?" Isabel added. Hanna groaned at this.

"You woke us up for this?" she griped.

"It's important," Aria insisted, picking up the picture, which she had printed out. "I couldn't let it go."

"Have you been up all night?" Hanna asked abruptly.

"Maybe," Aria gulped, turning to her.

"But you have. One eye is bigger than the other," Hanna exclaimed, pointing to Aria's eyes. "You look like a strung-out Powerpuff Girl."

"Just look at the picture," Aria sighed.

"Who's having coffee?" Spencer called.

"Me, if you don't want me to fall asleep during this conversation," Isabel replied. Spencer nodded, and ran the coffee maker.

"I mean, there's only one place where this picture could have been taken from," Aria continued.

"Where?" Hanna asked as Aria held up the picture.

"Alison's bedroom," Aria explained.

"No, Alison is in the picture. She clearly didn't take that," Isabel scoffed as Hanna squinted at the photo.

"Okay, but somebody in her house did," Aria said plainly.

"Like who, her parents?" Emily frowned.

"No. Her brother," Aria replied.

"Jason? Why would he do that?" Isabel huffed.

"My mom ran into him at the bank," Hanna spoke up. "He's back in town."

"Why?" Emily asked. Isabel rolled her eyes at her. Why was it their business?

"We have to call him," Aria insisted.

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