Kingdom of the Blind

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"Witnesses can be a bitch

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"Witnesses can be a bitch." -Hanna Marin

"God, what a performance," Hanna scoffed. They were watching Jenna read a braille book in the courtyard.

"Can you imagine faking it for so long?" Emily added, glaring at Jenna.

"What do you think she's planning?" Isabel asked.

"That's what you have to find out," Spencer whispered. Isabel stared at her. What? "She trusts you. Or at least she wants you to think that she does."

"Great. That... That's awesome," Isabel said sarcastically, looking back over at Jenna.

"Hey, I'll trade you Mona for Jenna," Hanna shrugged.

"No thanks," Isabel shuddered.

"I think I felt safer when Mona wasn't talking," Emily frowned.

Suddenly, Jenna got up, extending her stick, and Spencer said, "There she goes."

"We should push a table in front of her and see what happens," Hanna remarked as they continued to stare at her.

"God, Hanna, you have all the subtlety of a hand grenade," Spencer scoffed.

"Thank you," Hanna smiled.

"Has your mom said anything to you about taking Garrett's case?" Emily asked as they walked into the school's halls.

"Not yet. But Melissa's coming home tomorrow, so she'll probably tell both of us at the same time," Spencer sighed, crossing her arms. "'Cause that's how it works in my family- We keep the one-on-ones to a minimum."

"You're not helping yourself, Mr. Gottesman!" Principal Hackett yelled, and the girls turned around to see Lucas storming away from him. "This all goes on your permanent record!"

Lucas walked past Hanna, stopping briefly, then walked away.


Isabel was walking the halls with Jenna (why did she agree to this?).

"So what made you change your mind about playing with me?" Jenna asked. Their arms were linked, and she was staring ahead, pretending to be blind.

"Um, I guess I was just intimidated by the whole idea of playing in front of an audience," Isabel stammered, pretty uncomfortable.

"Hmm. Stage fright," Jenna nodded.

"Yeah," Isabel smiled nervously. Could she see her right now? "There's only one way to deal with that: you face it."

"You look it in the eye," Jenna agreed, and Isabel stared at her. You did what now?

"Uh, yeah," she muttered as they stopped walking.

"Come over after school. We'll practice," Jenna offered. Great, amazing.

"Sounds good," Isabel grimaced.

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