Now You See Me, Now You Don't

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 "God, that bitch has nine lives

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"God, that bitch has nine lives." -Hanna Marin

"An eye witness has stepped forward and unconfirmed inside sources say this witness-" the lady on TV reported. The doorbell rang, and Spencer went to answer it. "Has detailed information about the crime and the parties involved. So far, the district attorneys-"

Hanna turned off the TV and leaned back against the counter. They were in Spencer's kitchen, listening to news about this guy who helped Hanna's mom's case. Supposedly, it was the same guy Hanna had danced with at the Hoe Down.

"I don't get it," Hanna sighed, turning around. "Why would the cops want my mom to come in for a line up if Travis told the truth? Do you think that 'A' found a way to shut him up again."

"I think that 'A' also goes by the name of CeCe," Isabel huffed.

"Yeah, and Hanna, don't go there," Emily nodded. "Travis made you a promise, and he seems like a stand-up guy."

"Plus he's really cute," Aria added, sipping her coffee. "And he's quite the dancer."

Spencer walked back in with a package in her hands. "It's addressed to all of us."

They all pulled the wrapping off, and inside were five magic 8 balls, each with one of their names.

"'If she'," Hanna read off hers.

"'Goes free'," Spencer gulped.

"'You'll hear from me,'" Emily read.

"'Kisses,'" Isabel said.

"'A,'" Aria finished.

"So if my mom gets off..." Hanna frowned.

"CeCe is coming for us," Isabel nodded, looking at Spencer in particular.

"I say, bring it," Aria shrugged.

"Maybe then, she'll leave our parents alone," Emily added.

"Or did she just declare World War 'A'?" Spencer replied darkly.


Isabel and Spencer tried calling Toby repeatedly. He had just disappeared off the face of the Earth.

"I need to know that you're okay," Spencer gulped as she left Toby a message. "So, please just call Emily, or Isabel, or Caleb. Just check in. Please."

"I'm so sorry, Spence," Isabel sighed as she shut off her phone.

Spencer just walked over to the counter, where the five magic 8 balls were, and picked up the one with 'A' on it.

"I don't want to repeat history, Isabel," she whispered as she put it back down.


Later, the five girls were at Hanna's, welcoming Ms. Marin back home. She was free of all charges, thanks to Travis, who'd cleared her name. Now she was going on a date with Pastor Ted.

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