Father Knows Best

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"Yes, and now Melissa's threatening to kill our parents

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"Yes, and now Melissa's threatening to kill our parents." -Hanna Marin

Isabel was walking through some neighborhood. She had just scored a job at the Brew (that place Jason had told her about, like, a lifetime ago) and was now looking at apartments.

Jason had offered to let her live with him, but being the stubborn girl she was, she declined, wanting to be 'independent' (she really just didn't want him to pity her. She wanted him to see her as a strong person). She also had legally emancipated herself, since now she had a job and an almost-home. When Isabel told the girls she was looking for an apartment, Aria mentioned that there was an opening in the apartments where Mr. Fitz lived, and Isabel decided to check it out.

After looking at a particularily nice one that she loved, she stepped outside. Apartment 3D. She knew almost immediately that that was her new home.


Isabel turned around to see Mr. Fitz smile at her.

"Mr. Fi- er, Ezra," Isabel replied. He was still Mr. Fitz to her. Calling him 'Ezra' felt strange. "Hi."

"What are you- what're you doing here?" He asked.

"Um, I'm looking for a new apartment," she said nervously. It was weird to see him without his suit and tie. "I don't know if Aria told you, but... I legally emancipated myself, and she recommended this apartment complex."

"I don't think she did," Mr. Fitz nodded. "But, uh, congratulations. On that, and... Aria told me about you and Jason."

Isabel smiled to herself. Of course she did. "Thank you. You know what, I think I will rent this apartment. See you around, neighbor," she joked before leaving to go get the key.


Isabel met up with Aria at the school's entrance.

"Hey, how was it?" She smiled.

"It was great, I got an apartment," Isabel replied as they walked into the school. "I ran into Mr. Fitz."

"Isabel, you can just call him Ezra," Aria sighed.

"It's weird calling him that. He was my English teacher. Besides, you're the one boffing him, not me," Isabel shrugged, and Aria gaped at her.

"You did not just say that," she laughed.

"You guys can come over after school if you'd like," Isabel offered. Aria's phone beeped.

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