Grave New World

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"Did you miss me?" -Alison DiLaurentis

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"Did you miss me?" -Alison DiLaurentis

Isabel arrived back at Ravenswood only to learn that they were crashing a graveyard party. She adorned a red and black dress with black lace and layers. She slid on some black silk gloves, fastened a choker to her neck, and finally put on some elegant red heels with black lace covering them.

"What kind of town throws a party in a graveyard?" Aria scoffed as they stood in front of the gate.

"Must be to honor their dead," Spencer shrugged.

"Yeah, they can't do that without walking all over them?" Isabel asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Guys, what if we see 'A' before we find Alison?" Emily gulped, and Spencer turned to her.

"There's five of us there's only one of him," she reminded her.

"Um, yeah, but that him might be carrying a weapon," Aria pointed out. "All we've got are these 20-pound hats."

"I don't even have one," Isabel grumbled.

"I told you, that red one was the closest to match your dress," Spencer shrugged.

"Well, I can't run from the enemy," Hanna complained, glaring at Aria. "This girdle is cutting off my air supply."

"It's a corset," Spencer corrected her.

"It's torture," Hanna snapped. "People actually wore this crap? I'm never complaining again about a sports bra."

The four of them walked through the entrance, but Emily stayed put.

"Wait," she called, and they turned around to face her. "I can't do this."

"Emily? We have to get to Alison before 'A' does," Spencer insisted. "We can't back off."

"It's not 'A' that I'm scared of," Emily gulped, and Isabel knew what she meant.

The thought of seeing Ali again... it was almost silly, like a child hoping to meet Santa Claus. And yet, there it was, the perfect chance, just waiting there. Almost seemed... suspicious.

"I don't know if I'm ready to see Alison," Emily went on nervously.

"Em, we already have," Aria reminded her.

Isabel walked up to Emily and held out her hand, beckoning. "Come on."

They strolled through the graveyard, looking for signs of Alison. There were a lot of graves, and some fog.

"Man, people have been croaking in this town a long time," Hanna remarked as they walked.

"It happens," Spencer muttered.

"What are those? Are those fingers?" Aria asked suddenly, pointing to some mushrooms growing at the base of a grave.

"They're mushrooms. Aria, get a grip," Isabel scoffed.

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