Mona- Mania

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 "I have enough daddy issues of my own

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"I have enough daddy issues of my own. I can't deal with having issues about hers [Aria's], too." -Hanna Marin

(A/n: Thank you all so much for 4k views! Also, shout-out to everyone voting on these chapters. Thank you 🙃)

Curse Spencer, but the girls were back in the school at night, trying to get Ali's journal back.

"Either there's something in that journal that explains why Aria's dad would meet up with Ali the night she died, or we have to believe Garrett's story," Spencer explained as they crept through the halls.

"We couldn't do this at lunch tomorrow?" Hanna complained.

"Do you wanna run into Harold and his rusty bolt cutter again?" Emily asked sarcastically.

"The school basement is creepy at night," Isabel shuddered as they approached the stairs. Why'd she ever agree to this?

"How does this prove anything Garrett says?" Hanna asked once they were walking down the stairs, into the creepy basement. "He was in Ali's room that night."

"Maybe he just made that stuff up from reading her journal," Spencer replied.

"Why? To stop us from thinking he did it?" Emily scoffed as they entered the halls.

"Garrett was shot because he opened his mouth about Byron's blackmail money," Isabel added.

"Kinda makes me believe he was telling the truth," Spencer nodded.

"I really hope it's not true about Aria's dad," Hanna muttered. "I have enough daddy issues of my own. I can't deal with having issues about hers, too."

"I wish I had daddy issues," Isabel mumbled, and Hanna stared at her. "I wish I had a dad." That shut her up.

They finally reached the janitor's closet. Hanna said, "All right, you guys go in. I'll keep watch."

"You hit the switch," Spencer whispered to Emily once they were inside.

"I can't find it," Emily complained, and Isabel stumbled over something in the dark. Suddenly, there was a thump, making them turn around in alarm.

"There's somebody in here," Spencer gulped. A hooded figure rose, making her and Isabel scream. They darted past them, and Hanna, so that before Hanna could even blink, 'A' was gone.

"Hanna, look out!" Spencer yelled, but it was too late. 'A' was gone.

"Did you see anything?" Emily asked as she and Isabel hurried out, too.

"I didn't get a good look," Hanna replied, and Isabel swore under her breath.

"Guys," Spencer called, reverting their attention back to her. Isabel and Emily rushed into the room as Spencer turned on the lights. All of Harold's things were gone, and so was Harold. Hanna also ran in, gaping at the empty room.

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