This is a Dark Ride

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"You know, this is why nobody will go out with you!" -Spencer Hastings

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"You know, this is why nobody will go out with you!" -Spencer Hastings

It was a month since Caleb was shot, and he had pulled through. Isabel strutted the streets of Rosewood with the girls, discussing costumes.

"Give me a hint," Hanna begged.

"I will not give you a hint. We made a deal," Spencer huffed as they walked along. "You'll see my costume tonight at the party."

"But what if we end up wearing the same thing?" Hanna complained.

"We are not going to be wearing the same thing," Spencer laughed. "I promise you."

"Look, I'll give you a hint if you give me a hint," Hanna bargained, and Isabel also laughed.

"No hints, okay?" Aria reminded them. "We said we're gonna pick somebody from a movie, and we're all gonna surprise each other."

"Whose stupid idea was that?" Hanna frowned.

"Yours," they all said in unison, staring at her as she tried to remember.

"Em, you sure you want to do this thing?" Isabel said gently, turning to her.

"I want to do this. I need to do it," Emily assured her. "I want something big and splashy to mark the whole 'before' and 'after' of everything."

"Symbols and ceremonies?" Spencer asked as they rounded a corner.

"And plus, there's mystery live entertainment," Aria added.

"Mm-hmm," Hanna nodded, but then she sighed. "I have to get to the dentist."

"How is Caleb?" Spencer smiled, and for the first time in a while, Isabel's stomach didn't clench when she heard his name.

"He's getting better," she replied.

"It was easier when he was in the hospital, though," Hanna explained, and Isabel smirked. "Now he's got out, and we have to go under the radar."

"You're sure you want to go on the Ghost Train?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah. Otherwise I'm stuck with my mom and Pastor Ted handing out candy to rug rats," Hanna griped, and they all stared at her, surprised.

"Your mom and Pastor Ted?" Spencer blinked.

"Yeah. They're getting pretty domestic," Hanna said, making a face as they came to a halt.

"I'd tell her to go for it," Aria shrugged. "My mom moved on."

"Oh, my God," Emily said suddenly. The girls turned around to see a coffin with a 'RIP Alison DiLaurentis' written in red.

"Okay, who would do that?" Hanna huffed.

"It's Clifford Yerdley's house," Spencer sighed.

"He's such an astonishing jerk," Aria agreed.

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