The Kahn Game

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"There is no way that I'm playing truth or dare with a bunch of drunk, horny college boys

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"There is no way that I'm playing truth or dare with a bunch of drunk, horny college boys." -Spencer Hastings

Spencer and Isabel were talking at the Brew.

"Okay, I understand you're really upset right now, but can you please just look at this?" Isabel begged. She held up her phone, and on it was a picture of a stamp on Maya's hand. "It's a photo of Maya."

"Yeah, I saw it," Spencer shrugged.

"I found it on her website last night, Spence," Isabel continued. "Look. There is a stamp on her wrist that matches the one Emily remembers from that night. Holden really did see her there."

"Yup," Spencer muttered unenthusiastically.

"Then why are you not all go-go-gadget about this?" Isabel pressed. "This is big! This is a real link between Maya and that night."

"Look, Isabel, I can't do this anymore, okay?" Spencer sighed, turning to face her. "I cannot keep running around looking for clues, I can't spend hours hacking into websites. Five days ago I literally forgot to apply to college. Do you get that?"

"Thanks," they both mumbled, taking their coffees.

"First I drive Toby out of town, and now this," Spencer huffed.

"Hey, it was just the early admissions deadline. You can still get in," Isabel shrugged.

"Easy for you to say! You wrote a beautiful letter, and applied to six schools!" Spencer complained, and Isabel rolled her eyes.

"Okay, I know I'm not going to get into UPenn, Brown, or NYU, but maybe I'll get into Northwestern," Isabel assured her, frowning slightly. "Plus, I'm just a good writer in general. It's gonna be okay, Spence. If I can get in, you certainly can."

"At least you got to apply to UPenn," Spencer griped. "It's been my dream school since I was eight, Isabel, and yesterday I found my dream crumpled up in the bottom of a bag underneath my A.P. French and my physics homework. Which, by the way, I got a 'B' on. A 'B.'" They sat down at their usual spot. "So no, everything is not gonna be okay! I'm dropping my Velma act. From now on, I'm Daphne. Because I have got a boyfriend to get back, and I have a college to get into."

"I think you're confusing which Scooby-do character would have gotten into an Ivy league," Isabel frowned, sipping her coffee. "And both Velma and Daphne solve crime."

"Morning, ladies. This belong to one of you?" CeCe smiled, walking up to them. She held up Isabel's phone.

"Yeah, that's mine," Isabel nodded, taking it from her. "Thanks."

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