The New Normal

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"Why shouldn't I have his hat?" -Hanna Marin

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"Why shouldn't I have his hat?" -Hanna Marin

"Your sister's pregnant. How'd that happen?" Hanna said. The five of them were gathered in Emily's room.

"Ever take a health class?" Isabel replied, raising an eyebrow. "You see-"

"Okay, I know how someone gets pregnant," Hanna snapped.

"It's not really a 'how' question, it's more of a 'why' question," Emily muttered.

"Well, I mean, I guess Melissa could have gone all maternal, but I doubt it," Spencer said, typing away on her laptop.

"This is so creepy," Hanna agreed.

"Where are they now?" Isabel frowned.

"Philadelphia," Spencer replied. "Shopping."

"What are you doing?" Isabel asked her.

"Decoding a message Toby gave me," Spencer explained, pressing 'enter' on the search bar. "He gave me back his French book. I'm his tutor," she added to the others.

"Comme c'est romantique," Isabel teased.

"La romance n'a rien à voir là dedans," Spencer scoffed.

"You take French? Don't you also take AP Latin?" Emily frowned.

"Je vise haut," Isabel nodded.

"What?" Hanna asked.

"She said she's high?" Emily frowned.

"She aims high," Spencer corrected her. "Work on your French."

"Yeah, and jeez, Em. I don't do that anymore," Isabel scoffed.

"Anymore?" They all exclaimed. Well, better tell them now than 'A' letting it slip.

"Yeah, um," Isabel muttered. "You know how Jason and I were just suddenly best friends? Well... I supplied him."

"I don't know whether to scold you or tease you," Hanna frowned.

"I'm scolding you. What the hell? That is so irresponsible!" Spencer huffed at Isabel.

"Hey, I was pretty messed up back then. I know that now," Isabel said defensively.

"Okay, if Spencer's scolding you, I'm teasing you," Hanna joked. " and Jason-"

"It's in braille, so..." Isabel said loudly, pointing to the message.

"You want to see this, Aria?" Emily called.

"No," Aria said stubbornly. "I can see just fine from here."

"You're on her window seat. The guy next door can see more than you can," Isabel pointed out.

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