Through Many Dangers, Toils, and Snares

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"I'm the weakest link," Emily added

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"I'm the weakest link," Emily added. "And the weakest link wants some payback."

-1 month later-

The five girls picked up trash on the Southfield playground. It was part of their community service for 'tampering with evidence'.

"Only an hour and thirty minutes to go," Hanna grumbled.

"I think it's more like two hours, but who's counting?" Aria huffed, picking up a piece of trash.

"That's what the cops think, but the cops can't prove it," some girl said to another. They were just lounging around on a park table.

"Cops are stupid," the other scoffed.

"We didn't do anything," Emily yelled at them.

"Don't talk to them," Spencer sighed, looking over.

"She'll talk to anybody she wants to," Isabel snapped.

"No, you won't," Spencer said, crossing her arms. "Both of you."

"And who's gonna stop us?" Emily shot back.

"Both of you just shut up," Aria shouted at them. "I don't want to hear it anymore."

"Did you at least think about my idea?" Emily went on, ignoring Aria.

"It was a bad idea when they arrested us, it's a bad idea now," Spencer replied.

"We finally have something solid," Isabel argued, setting down her trash bag.

"Yeah, why won't you use it?" Emily added.

"Because you can't make a deal with a rattlesnake," Spencer snapped.

"You can if you have something the rattlesnake wants," Emily retorted.

"Can we stop talking about snakes?" Hanna complained, still picking up trash.

"Listen to me," Spencer said to Emily and Isabel, who didn't cower under her glare. "We're not going to be making any kind of a deal with 'A'. That's final."

"Maybe for you. The rest of us don't have lawyers for parents. I don't even have parents," Isabel scoffed.

"Oh, you have parents. You just don't give a crap about them. That's probably why they left you," Aria shot back.

"You did not just say that," Isabel scowled, walking over.

"Guys, guys," Spencer said loudly. When that didn't work, she changed the subject. "Meaning what, Isabel?"

"Meaning your mom may have gotten us a deal, but if they ever figure out a way to charge us for killing Ali, she'll throw the rest of us under the bus to save you..." Emily said, answering for her. "And you'd let her."

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