A is for A-l-i-v-e

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"Mi casa es su casa

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"Mi casa es su casa." -Mona Vanderwaal

Spencer tentatively reached out and opened the trunk. They all gasped and backed up at what they saw.

A dead pig.

"What the..." Isabel muttered, eyes wide.

Suddenly, Spencer exclaimed, "Where's Mona?" They looked around, but couldn't find her.

"This was all her. She set us up," Aria scoffed.

"Okay, let's go. Let's get out of here," Emily gulped, and they all followed her but Hanna. "Come on." Hanna walked over to the driver's seat of the cop car, and Spencer made a beeline for her.

"Hanna! Hanna, let's go!" she yelled. Mona worked to get the recording out, but quite slowly.

"Guys," Aria whispered, and Isabel turned around to see two people walking by.

"Someone's coming," Emily said, stating the obvious.

"Hey, they're coming this way," Spencer added.

"Hurry up!" Isabel hissed at Mona. She kept working, and Hanna kept begging her to hurry up.

"Hanna, we got to get out of here. Seriously, come on," Aria implored. "Come on!"

They ran back to the car, and were later joined by both Hanna and Mona.


Later, the girls plus Mona were at Spencer's, watching the news for signs of Wilden and the car.

"There's a report on the lodge, but nothing about Wilden's car," Spencer sighed as they stood there nervously.

"Well, I guess the fire trumps a dead pig," Hanna scoffed sarcastically.

"You can stop staring out the window, Aria," Mona said from the couch. Aria, who was staring out the window, turned to her. "The cops aren't coming to arrest us."

"I'm supposed to feel safe just because you say it's all okay now? After everything you've put us through," Aria huffed, walking over.

"Do you think we'd be sitting here if anyone saw us?" Mona pointed out.

"Wanna know what I think? I think you're lucky that we're not beating the crap out of you," Emily snapped.

Mona just smiled sarcastically at her. "And I believe you could, Emily. You really were the weakest link. But look how strong I made you. You should be thanking me."

"Okay, that's it," Emily scowled, striding up to Mona.

But Hanna held her back as Mona looked up at them, unfazed. "Em!"

"You know we all want to take a turn," Aria spat.

"But we won't," Hanna said through gritted teeth. Isabel just watched her closely, preferring to analyze her before striking.

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