Bite Your Tongue

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'I told you: Dead girls can't smile

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'I told you: Dead girls can't smile. Stop looking.' - A

Isabel was working at the Brew when she saw Hanna reading a book.

"Whoa, am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?" she joked as she walked over.

"Ha, ha," Hanna said sarcastically. "I like reading these kind of books. You know..." she went on, but Isabel was distracted when she saw Holbrook walk in. Great, she had to serve him.

"What can I get for you today, Officer?" Isabel sighed as she slipped behind the counter before her boss could strangle her.

"The usual," he shrugged, and then walked over to Hanna. Hanna saw that Isabel noticed this, but nonetheless talked to him. Isabel raised an eyebrow at Hanna, who now ignored her.

Since when were Hanna and Holbrook friends?


The wall is so plain.

That's what she thought, clutching a bottle of scotch. His favorite. She stared at the wall across from her whilst sitting on her bed, because she couldn't take it anymore. Sure, Jason had left many months ago, and she had temporarily healed. But Caleb driving off to Ravenswood opened a sloppily healed wound, and thinking about Jason just made it worse.

There was a knock on her door, and she shook herself out of the stupor.

"Isabel! Are you awake?" Spencer called. When Isabel didn't respond, the door swung open. Spencer saw her clutching the bottle, swaying a bit, and she rushed over. "Isabel! It's, like, four pm, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same of you," Isabel laughed. Spencer snatched the bottle away and poured it into the sink. "Hey, that was my dinner!"

"Isabel, don't get back into bad habits," Spencer protested, walking back over. "Now, I had called to ask if you wanted to go to the Hart and Huntsman-"

"Wait, lemme get this straight," Isabel frowned, her head suddenly clear. "You reprimand me for drinking, then tell me that the whole reason you're here is to take me to a college bar?"

"No, I- How'd you know it was a college bar?" Spencer blinked.

"Because I've been there," Isabel shrugged. "The ale there is really good."

"Ale?" Spencer frowned.

"Board Shorts Ale," Isabel chuckled. "It's superb."

"Board Shorts- Isabel, why didn't you tell us sooner?!" Spencer exclaimed, getting up. "Come on, we're going to the Hart and Huntsman. Now."


When they got there, it was pretty crowded. Isabel had somewhat sobered up, but not enough to drive.

Isabel pushed the front door, trying to get it to open. Spencer took one look at her, raised an eyebrow, and pulled it open. Isabel nodded, knowing she was still drunk.

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