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"Could we not talk about eye flaps while we're eating, please?"- Emily Fields

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"Could we not talk about eye flaps while we're eating, please?"- Emily Fields

"Hanna's right. No one owns you, Em," Aria said to Emily, handing her phone back. Apparently, 'A' had sent Emily a message: 'I own you.'

"This bitch is just trying to scare you," Isabel scoffed.

"Well, it's working," Emily huffed. They were quiet for a moment as they walked to class. "Did you find out why your brother broke into my garage?" she asked Aria.

"He's not talking to me... Or anybody," Aria said sadly. "He won't even return calls from his best friend." Isabel sipped her coffee silently as she listened.

"Did you try calling him? He likes you a lot, so maybe he'll listen to you," Emily suggested, and Isabel shared a pitiful look with Aria.

"I did. He hasn't called me back," Isabel shrugged, fiddling with the top of her cup.

"Well, aren't you worried about him? Isabel, he wants you back, and you want him back. What's the problem?" Emily scoffed. Suddenly, Jason walked past, smiling and waving at Isabel, who returned both. "What's he doing here? And why is he smirking at you?"

"He counsels kids on substance abuse. It's quite charitable, actually," Isabel explained. "And he's not smirking at me. It's just a friendly smile."

"Oh," Emily realized. "The reason you won't take Mike back just strolled past us." She then gave Isabel the 'he's-a-murderer' look.

"Em, we went down this road with Toby," Isabel scoffed. "And we were right. I was right. And now I'm right again. And, no. Mike and I just don't... fit..."

"Isabel. Toby was never linked to a weapon that could have dented Ali's skull!" Emily exclaimed once they were in the courtyard.

"'Could have' doesn't mean he did," Aria pointed out.

"Look, Isabel, I can see why you're attracted to him," Emily argued. Isabel just scoffed at her and rolled her eyes. "He's mysterious and wounded, and we all know you love to fix things, but you're playing with fire."

"I am fire, Em," Isabel shot back. "I'm smarter than you think; I know what I'm doing. And who said I'm attracted to him? Also, you forgot 'hot'."

Emily and Aria stared at her.

"Well, okay, maybe I just did, but still!" Isabel huffed defensively. Emily just sighed at her.

"And what about Mike? I thought you liked him," Emily added.

"It took a while, but... I realized I only like him as a friend," Isabel said, stopping at her next classroom. "And you can't tell me who to date. You're not my mom." And with that, she stormed off.


Isabel was walking to lunch when she got a message.

'Moving into my house already? Soon enough, we'll be sisters! -A'

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