Thrown From the Ride

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"Hanna, you're not spontaneous

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"Hanna, you're not spontaneous. You make a Pinterest board before you change your nail polish." -Aria Montgomery

(A/n: sorry for the short chapter, I have some exams coming up :/)

Isabel, Aria, and Hanna were talking at the book donation area.

"You hate it," Hanna sighed as Aria and Isabel snuck glances at Hanna's hair. She'd dyed the tips black.

"I love it," Isabel grinned.

"Oh, come on, you wear gothic clothes for fun," Hanna scoffed.

"Hey, just because I wear black every once in a while-" Isabel began, but both Aria and Hanna looked at the black top, jeans, and beanie she was wearing. "Touché."

"I don't hate it. I actually really like it," Aria said to Hanna, reaching out to touch her hair. "I'm just confused why the sudden impulse."

"I wanted to be spontaneous," Hanna shrugged.

"Hanna, you're not spontaneous," Aria pointed out. "You make a Pinterest board before you change your nail polish."

Hanna ignored her, opening a book and staring at the name in it with wide eyes. She slowly put it down, looking this way and that.

"What's wrong?" Isabel frowned.

"Nothing," Hanna obviously lied.

"Hanna," Aira huffed as they stared at her.

Hanna sighed and gave Isabel the book. "This was Shana's."

"What?" Isabel gasped, opening it. There it was: the name on the front page, Shana Fring.

"Let's just put it back," Hanna gulped nervously, trying to take it from her.

"No, no, no," Aria said, taking the book from Isabel. She flipped through the pages. "Hold on a second." She stopped at a marked-up page. "Oh my God, look what she underlined."

"'It is a curious subject whether hatred and love be not the same thing at bottom,'" Isabel read. "'Each leaves the passionate lover, or the no less passionate hater, forlorn and desolate by the withdrawal of his subject.'"

"Aria, it's probably just a school assignment," Hanna scoffed.

"No, this is about Ali and Jenna and us," Aria panicked. "This is about being 'A.'"

"No, this is about you trying to paw through Shana's things when you should be trying to forget about her," Hanna argued as Aria turned back to the book.

"Well, there might be something in here," she stammered.

"Just stop," Isabel snapped, snatching the book from her and tossing it on the table.

"Who's throwing out 'The Scarlet Letter'?" someone asked. Isabel looked up and saw Mona holding up the book. "I loved this book. Maybe you should get it for Ali. Since she is planning on coming back to school, she probably needs it to catch up."

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