Gamma Zeta Die!

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 "You get to act like a total snot-rag, 'cause mommy and daddy have a safety net of cash to catch your fall!" -Emily Fields

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"You get to act like a total snot-rag, 'cause mommy and daddy have a safety net of cash to catch your fall!" -Emily Fields

The girls were in Ella's classroom, learning about college week.

"You're representing your family, your school, and your community during these college visits," she went on, pacing in front on the classroom. "Translation? Do not use this weekend to discover beer pong. You are to use this time to audit classes, tour the campus, and decide if this is where you want to go."

The bell rang, and everyone else got up and left.

"Hey, you guys, why would I dream that?" Hanna whispered to them as they packed up. "I mean, 'A' is about to drop the hammer on my mom."

"The only thing your dream is telling you is that you should be drinking warm milk before bed," Spencer replied in the same low voice.

"My dad's gun is missing, Spencer," Hanna hissed, and Isabel stared. Her dad's gun was missing?

"Yeah, and that looks really bad, but we've gone over this. 'A' has tried to frame us before-" Aria agreed.

"No, it's not framing if you actually did it!" Hanna snapped.

"Hanna, this is your mother," Emily sighed.

"Yeah, she looked you in the eye and told you she didn't," Isabel added, crossing her arms.

"Don't you guys have a class to get to?" Ella asked as she packed up.

"Yeah, we're going," Aria nodded, gathering her stuff.

"You'd get there faster if your feet were actually moving," Ella replied, leaving.

"Whoa, what's with your mom? Kinda harsh," Isabel frowned as they got up.

"I don't know. She's been really weird the past few days," Aria agreed. "Makes me wonder if 'A's moved on from Hanna's mom to mine."

"Well, 'A' can multi-task," Hanna scoffed. "Can you guys come over after school?"

"I can't. I have a strategy session at The Brew," Spencer sighed. "My mom's hired a spin-doctor to make me shiny and new again."

"Sorry?" Aria blinked as they started off.

"It's an admissions coach," Isabel explained for her.

"She wants him to wave his magic loafer and get me into college," Spencer added bitterly.

"Can I come?" Isabel asked, and Spencer stared. "No, no, not like that, I won't interrupt, I just wanna listen."

"I don't care, come all you want," Spencer shrugged.

"All right, I'll see you later, guys," Hanna said as they walked in different directions.

"Okay," Aria smiled.

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