Chapter 9

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By the time I arrived at the apartment it was in complete chaos. The medics were getting the injured officers out and the coroner put the four dead officers in the van. I went upstairs to find Namjoon and Jin. When I found them, they were in shock in how close they were to death.

Taehyung: What happened?

Jin: The place was booby-trapped, and it was prepared to take us out.

Namjoon: Ghost is dead, and you would not believe what this jerk did to him.

I entered the apartment and saw Jimin and J-Hope over Ghost's body. They both looked at me and when I saw Ghost's body as I got closer, I had to leave to throw up.

Namjoon: Are you okay?

Taehyung: No! I called you and you didn't answer!

Namjoon: I'm sorry. Jimin and J-Hope filled me in about the package arriving at the examiner's office. Not long after you left them, they received a call to come to this address.

Taehyung: What?

Namjoon: Yes.

Taehyung: Who called them?

Namjoon: I don't know. But I do know this is one hell of a mess.

Jin: Namjoon, who could have killed Ghost? We were with Lin for a good amount of time. At the bar and the station. (Taehyung gulped when he realized that he is not far from his lover's bar).

Namjoon: That is a good point.

Taehyung: I know who killed Ghost. (Jin and Namjoon looked at Taehyung). It was Ming Mason. Here is the letter that was sent with the package, and he knows our names Namjoon.

Namjoon: What?

Jin and Namjoon read the letter and I looked back at the scene. Ghost was partially nude from the waist down and the other half of Amber's head was on his junk. It did not take long to realize that Ghost's swollen neck was stuffed with Amber's breast. His hands were chopped off as well as his feet. There were bruises from torture all over his body. Ghost had been dead for a couple hours. The other officers on the scene are asking neighbors in the building if they heard or seen anything.

As the coroner bagged Ghost's body for transport Min Yoongi came to the scene. He had a meeting with the Commissioner and left as soon as possible to get to the scene for an update. Namjoon filled him in on what happened here. Min Yoongi was pissed and wanted to see them at the station now. They had to push through the press to get in their cars to head back to the station.

When they returned to the station, they all went inside Min Yoongi's office. He slammed the door and moved behind his desk yelling.

Min Yoongi: We need to find this asshole and get him off the streets before anybody else gets killed! I am tired of this asshole jerking us around! (All three are quietly looking at each other while Min Yoongi tries to calm down).

Jin: The thing that we know so far was that Lin was here when we went to the apartment. There was no way that he could have killed Ghost and be at the bar where we picked him up.

Namjoon: It would be impossible because none of the neighbors heard anything.

Taehyung: This is Ming Mason.

Min Yoongi: This guy is something else. The list of murdered victims is growing because of him. And we do not even know what this bastard looks like!

Taehyung: It's clear from the letter that Ming is behind everything. This guy is careful in planning out things.

Namjoon: It's obvious that these cases are connected, but what are we missing here?

Taehyung: (Thinking hard.) The motive.

Jin: What?

Taehyung: The motive.

Min Yoongi: The letter revealed a motive. It is revenge for a woman.

Taehyung: Yes, that is what the letter said. But what if there is another reason behind these killings.

Namjoon: What are you thinking?

Taehyung: Look at the victims. Look how Ming had them killed. There is something in the manner that he killed them. If the message was for Ghost that is one thing, but what if there is a hidden message.

Jin: What do you mean by that?

Taehyung: We struck a nerve with Ming. The police interfered in his drug operation which led to Ghost being arrested. Yes? (Jin nodding his head in agreement). Okay, Ming knew that Ghost had a family when he was not getting the profits from Ghost by having him followed.

Namjoon: Yes. Ming would have to have someone that Ghost would not recognize following him. Which means....

Taehyung: That Ming was the one following Ghost. Remember Ghost said that he never met the boss, but he did, he just didn't know it. Ming is a chameleon. This could mean that he has eyes watching us on every move that we make. (Suddenly Jungkook popped up in his mind) We need to find out what he looks.

Min Yoongi: If what you are saying is true, then we have a limited amount of time to find him and Lin before they strike again. Alright. Ming must be in communication with Lin. Namjoon and Jin, pulled the phone records of Lin. I will get you a warrant. Taehyung, go to the examiner's office and find out if they can tell us more about Ghost's murder.

As we left Min Yoongi's office, I felt overwhelmed and concerned that Jungkook might be in danger since Lin was arrested at the bar. While I was heading to the examiner's office, I called Jungkook. I felt relieved when he answered and informed him not to meet up later. I will let him know when it is safe for us to be together and he understands and agrees. When I arrived at the examiner's office, I found Jimin and J-Hope with disgusted looks on their faces.

Jimin: Taehyung come closer; we must show you something. (Taehyung followed them to the back). We can confirm that Amber's missing breast was stuffed inside of Ghost's throat after he was dead.

J-Hope: Also, the way that the throat was cut his vocal cords and larynx were pressed down the esophagus to insert the breast.

Taehyung: This guy is ruthless.

Jimin: This guy has had medical training. The way that he stitched up the neck after inserting the breast only surgeons knew how to do and us. We found a cellphone, most likely a burner in a bag inside his stomach. The way he cut up the other three victims was different in how he cut and opened Ghost. He was very precise and made sure that Ghost felt every single pain. If you look at the hands and the feet, as you can see here, Ghost was alive when they were cut off him. We sent a sample of his blood to the toxicologist and put a rush on them.

As Jimin gave me the bag with the phone in it, another assistant came in and gave Jimin a letter. Jimin looked at it and then he looked at me and gave me the letter. I placed the cellphone on the table and walked over to the door towards him. I opened the letter, and it was from Ming. Jimin returned to the body and helped J-Hope cover Ghost back up.

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