Chapter 39

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Today will be the last day of my life and the end of so many lies. A long time ago, my failures as a father and a partner were short coming. I should have done more, and I should have done better. But what did I do? I stood back and watched a dysfunctional family ruin the lives of so many people. The past is the scariest place to be in with no future in sight. Therefore, since there is no hope for me to continue to live at least I can confess my deadly sins. The first sin that I made was having a relationship with a woman, who came from trouble. Her family was strict due to the position of power her family came from. I knew she lost her husband and being a single parent was not easy. I understood her pain since I lost my wife not that long after the birth of my daughter. This loneliness that we shared was the main reason why our son was conceived. Since she already had children and they would not approve of an outside child, I raised my son. However, his relationship with my daughter was not a good relationship. She was the oldest, but he acted like he was in charge. My, how I have failed them both. Raising two children, who did not get along was a nightmare. I loved my daughter and wanted the best for her, and I knew my son would need discipline more than anything. I suggested that he joined the force alongside me to be a good example for his nephew Jason. A man that takes on responsibilities and lead by example. But I was wrong. If Jason's father had not died, Jason would have been a better man. I failed my grandson as well as my son and daughter. I never expected my son to be so cruel after he found out about his other siblings. He thought they lived a good life, but he was misguided by the wealth that they have obtain, because the Commissioner at the time did a lot of evil things to give his family wealth. After he had heard about what my son did to his grandchild, he made sure to make my life a living hell. I regret what my son did, but I had no control over him. I was glad that he got what punishment that he deserved, but I felt bad for his partner. I heard that the boys were doing so well in his custody, but my son only hurt the boy to get revenge on his siblings for not accepting him. The child was already going through enough hell with his parents, and to finally find peace and happiness with Min was a true blessing. I had no idea that my son had a partner who accepted responsibilities that were not his own. I could tell that he loved those boys as if they were his own children. But once my son found out who they were that was when he created his plan for revenge. Hurting a child should never have been a part of a revenge plan. He ruined his life and the life of a little boy. I am glad that they covered up my son's murder, but I hate the fact that his partner lost custody of those boys. He was forbidden to even ask about them and they were hidden from him to protect his image. Which I am sure that he did not ask for. Unbeknownst to his partner, I followed him from time to time to see how he was doing since the boys were no longer in his care. I could tell that he was hurting, but there was nothing that he could do, because the Commissioner abused his power to remain in control. Once the new Commissioner took over, he picked up the same bad habits as the old one. He knew what happened to his now Captain's past but refused to share that information with him. I truly believe that if Min knew what happened to his children, they would have been alive today living peacefully in his love for them as a father. There were plenty of opportunities that I had to tell him the truth, but I was blackmailed by his son's other personality not to say anything. This personality was just evil, pure evil. He started a drug operation around the city to cause utter chaos. But he also became a murderer. He targeted all the people that had done him wrong and made sure that we all suffered. Now that he is dead along with my grandson, I must complete his final task for him. I had to kill the leader of the whole drug operation by killing the Commissioner. I knew I needed to die shortly after him to end this history of misery. The best way to go is death by suicide by the police. I hope that Min learns the truth about his sons and that he can lay his son next to his brother. They deserve to be together at Angel's Cemetery on Peace Street. His brother has an angel headstone with the family tree of hearts engraved with the names Father Min and Brother Han. If you find this letter, Min, I ask for forgiveness of all the pain that you have endured chasing after your son for all the deaths and pain that his out-of-control personality has caused. Please fulfill this one request for me in honor of Han. He deserves peace at last.

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