Chapter 52

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It was Min Yoongi's first time visiting their graves and his therapist encouraged him to spend time with his sons. He was grateful for Taehyung telling Jungkook Han's story because he could not find the words to say to Jungkook. Min Yoongi's heart melted when saw Jungkook talking to Han by thanking him and gave Han's headstone a kiss. Taehyung and Min Yoongi were caught off guard when Jungkook told Han that he and Taehyung would take care of dad. Min Yoongi smiled and looked at Taehyung who gave a nod in agreement.

Min Yoongi: This was a much-needed visit.

Taehyung: Yes, very so. How are you feeling? The both of you.

Jungkook: I am happy that I met Han, but I was hoping he was alive.

Min Yoongi: Don't worry son. My son is happy that you are alive and with Taehyung. You don't have to hide anymore and you two are free to be a couple without restrictions.

Taehyung: It feels good knowing that Han brought us together. Now it is our turn to take care of you dad.

Min Yoongi: (Chuckling and smiling) I have the best sons in the world.

They hugged each other and told Ian and Han that they will visit again and left the cemetery. Min Yoongi went back home to continue his weekend break before Jungkook comes back to him on Monday morning. Taehyung and Jungkook went back to Taehyung's place and watched a movie before Taehyung prepared dinner. After the movie Jungkook went upstairs to get ready for dinner. While he was upstairs, Taehyung called the contractor to check on the status of the renovations of the safehouse. Things were looking good and moving quickly. Taehyung told the contractor that he will come by Monday morning to see the progress. Taehyung used the same contractor to build the safehouse for Jungkook to do its renovations.

While Taehyung was cooking dinner, his phone ranged.

Taehyung: Hello?

Namjoon: Hey, Taehyung.

Taehyung: Namjoon! How are you doing?

Namjoon: I'm fine. How are things with Jungkook?

Taehyung: Things are great. I'm cooking us dinner now since he is upstairs.

Namjoon: That is good. I'm calling because I want to give you an update before I talked to Min Yoongi.

Taehyung: An update on what.

Namjoon: Jin decided to resign, and I will be resigning as well.

Taehyung: What? When?

Namjoon: Jin will be turning in his resignation first thing Monday morning, and I will do the same.

Taehyung: What are you two going to do for a living?

Namjoon: Well, Jin is opening a small café and I will be working with him. Ivan supported us all the way. At least we can work on our own terms.

Taehyung: That's great. When will the café be opened?

Namjoon: In two months. Jin and I have been saving the money the departments have given us since our ordeal with the case. Everything will be ready then.

Taehyung: That's great news Namjoon. May I ask a favor though?

Namjoon: Favor? Sure, what kind of favor.

Taehyung: Jungkook would need a job and I would feel better knowing that he is around you two.

Namjoon: I'm sure Jin would love that, and it would give us more time to spend with Jungkook if he is okay working with us.

Taehyung: I will talk to him about it tonight and see what he will say.

Namjoon: That's great. Are you going to continue to be a detective?

Taehyung: Honestly, I don't have to.

Namjoon: Oh?

Taehyung: Yes, I have quite an inheritance, I really didn't need to work, but I love working. Helping others and solving cases.

Namjoon: So, you are going to continue then?

Taehyung: Only for a few months. I'm working on a project that would allow me to leave the force and settle with my love. I don't want him to worry if I'm coming home or not.

Namjoon: I understand what you mean. You can always work with me and Jin if your project doesn't work out.

Taehyung: That's not a bad idea. Maybe I could help you guys when you need extra help.

Namjoon: That would be great. Well, I got to go, we are getting Ivan ready to start medical school.

Taehyung: That's good. Talk to you later. Bye.

Namjoon: Bye.

Jungkook: Honey?

Taehyung: Yes, love.

Jungkook: Who were you talking to?

Taehyung: Namjoon.

Jungkook: Oh! How is he doing?

Taehyung: He is doing great; he and Jin are getting Ivan ready to start medical school.

Jungkook: That's wonderful. He will make a great doctor.

Taehyung: Indeed. Come, my love dinner is ready.

They had a wonderful dinner and Taehyung played so much music so they could dance the night away again. After dancing to four songs, Jungkook was getting sleepy, and Taehyung carried him upstairs. While Jungkook was in the bed, Taehyung went to take a quick shower and put on his sleep ware. He thought Jungkook would be asleep when came out, but he was surprised to see Jungkook sitting up thinking about something.

Taehyung: Love, what's on your mind?

Jungkook: Huh? Oh...sorry.

Taehyung: Sorry for what love?

Jungkook: Honey... I've been thinking about the next step.

Taehyung: The next step to what my love. (Gently kisses Jungkook's forehead)

Jungkook: It's been a long time since we were intimate and I know you are not pressuring me to ready again, but...

Taehyung: But what, my sweet love?

Jungkook: After spending some time with dad, I felt like I know what I want with you. I want more for our relationship. (nervously) Honey... want us to have a family of our own. Make dad a grandpa and uncle Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, J-Hope, and Ivan can have little nieces and nephews running around for them to chase. I ... I know this sudden, but... (Taehyung kisses him catching him off guard)

Taehyung: My love... yes! Yes, we can grow our family. (Wiping Jungkook's tears) I want the same as you... when you are ready. I don't mind waiting for my great love. Just say when.

Jungkook: Then I'm ready for the first step. I'm ready to show you, my scars. (Jungkook stood up and removed his clothing. Taehyung looks at him and sees numerous scars and some have faded a bit. Taehyung stands in front of him)

Taehyung: My love, you are always beautiful in my eyes and in my heart. 

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