Chapter 49

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When Min Yoongi and Jungkook arrived home a lot of things were running through Min Yoongi's mind. He watched Jungkook go upstairs to his room, and he was contemplating his next move. He was also thinking about Taehyung, and he was feeling relieved that he was able to keep his promise to Taehyung. However, Min Yoongi did feel pain in his heart, and he knows that he needs to talk to someone about this. Before he went to bed, he sent a message to Taehyung and was relieved that Taehyung was still awake by responding to him quickly. Taehyung agreed to the message and Min Yoongi smiled and went to bed.

A couple of days later, Min Yoongi dropped off Jungkook to his therapy session and told him that he would run a quick errand and should be back in time before his session ended. Min Yoongi drove to a nearby café and bakery. Once he went inside, he saw Taehyung waiting for him in the back corner.

Min Yoongi: Good morning, thanks for coming.

Taehyung: Good morning, sir. How are you?

Min Yoongi: I'm good, but I do have a reason for us meeting like this.

Taehyung: Does this involve Jungkook?

Min Yoongi: Yes and no. I dropped him off at his therapy appointment. I needed to talk to you about something that is important to me.

Taehyung: Ok, I'm listening.

Min Yoongi: I need help, Taehyung.

Taehyung: Help? What kind of help?

Min Yoongi: I am struggling with the feelings I have for Han and Jungkook.

Taehyung: I understand your feelings for Han, but what about your feelings for Jungkook?

Min Yoongi: I have grown to love him like a son, but at the same time, I feel like I'm not honoring the love of Han. I feel like I am betraying him.

Taehyung: Oh, I see. Sir, you are not betraying the love you have for Han for the love you have for Jungkook. Han knew the moment that he met you that you were going to make a big difference in his life. It is ok to love Jungkook as a son; he is not replacing the love you have for your son. Well... sons. You love Ian too.

Min Yoongi: Yes, I do. Which is why I wanted to talk to you about my plan.

Taehyung: Plan?

Min Yoongi: After getting to know Jungkook, I'm thinking about leaving law enforcement to open a center for victims of crimes to seek services to meet their needs in getting back on their feet. To create a safe place for them to heal and grow.

Taehyung: Oh, wow that's... uh... that's a...

Min Yoongi: A big leap in change.

Taehyung: Yes, but a good one. What do you need from me?

Min Yoongi: I need you to help me run it.

Taehyung: What? Run it? When are you planning on doing this?

Min Yoongi: I'm thinking in three years. It will allow me enough time to get the research done and all the necessary paperwork filled out. To search for qualified personnel to make sure the place is giving a positive way back.

Taehyung: I like your plan, but we must discuss something else first that needs to stay between us for the time being.

Min Yoongi: A discussion about what.

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