Chapter 15

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When Min Yoongi arrived at the station an officer informed him that someone had called and left a message for him. Min Yoongi took the piece of paper and went into his office and called the number. The phone rang three times before an answer was made.

Lin: Hello, Min Yoongi.

Min Yoongi: Oh, you son of bitch!

Lin: (Laughing). If you don't want anything to happen to Mrs. Li, then you must do exactly what I say.

Min Yoongi: I don't take orders from a psycho asshole, who personally delivered his hand to my office.

Lin: Well, this one-handed asshole whooped not one, but two officer's ass and made a clean get away.

Min Yoongi: Motherfucker!!

Lin: (Laughing and made Mrs. Li moan in pain). You will have another body on your hands if you don't cooperate. Come to Li's residence. Let's have a talk and end this cat and mouse game. And of course, if I see anyone else, she will die. (Hangs up).

Min Yoongi slams the phone down. Full of anger and rage, he took out a sheet of paper and wrote a message for Namjoon and Taehyung. He told them that Lin has Mrs. Li hostage at her place and that he was going over there to get her while dealing with Lin. If they do not see him in the morning in his office by 8am to come directly over to Li's house with back up.

Min Yoongi arrived at Li's house and the door was opened. He pulled his weapon and walked in and saw Mrs. Li tied to a chair with a rag tied around her mouth as Lin was standing right behind her.

Lin: Lock the door behind you. Do not test me. (Min Yoongi locked the door).

Min Yoongi: Release her.

Lin: (Smiling and laughing). Put your gun down. I cannot release her.

Min Yoongi: Why not?

Lin: Because it does not matter what I want. All that matters is what Ming wants.

Min Yoongi: Why? What does this Ming have on you?

Lin: Ming wants a certain life in his hand and that he would stop at nothing to get it.

Min Yoongi: What certain life does he want?

Lin: The one that he knows that he cannot have no matter what he does.

Min Yoongi: I'm getting sick and tired of this bullshit game you two are playing! Now let her go!

Lin: No! (Yanks Terri's hair back to a muffled scream).

Min Yoongi: I swear I will shoot...

Ming: Shoot who Min Yoongi? (Standing on the stairs with his gun drawn pointing at Min Yoongi).

Min Yoongi quickly turned towards Ming's voice. He is standing face to face with the serial killer he has been looking for.

Ming: My Jason told you to drop the gun, but you refused.

Min Yoongi: So, you're the asshole that we have been looking for. (Min Yoongi keeping an eye on Lin as Ming walks down the stairs towards them).

Ming: Ooh, asshole is such a strong word to describe me. I would describe myself as a genius.

Min Yoongi: Genius? You killed innocent people and killed several officers. You're a fucking murderer!

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