Chapter 31

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They sped to the hospital and J-Hope waited for them outside.

Min Yoongi: What the hell happened?

J-Hope: We need to talk privately. Come with me, Jimin is in his aunt's room getting an update. (They followed J-Hope to an empty examine room).

Taehyung: What happened?

J-Hope: Jimin's aunt found out that your theory was right. She kept notes that she never put into Han's and Ian's file. She was on her way to see Jimin when someone hit her with their car.

Taehyung: What?!

Min Yoongi: Oh my God! How is she?! Do you know what her notes say?

J-Hope: Jimin knows she told him on the phone, and he heard her scream when the car hit her. I don't have an update on how she is now.

Namjoon: Jesus Christ! Someone must have known that we were investigating this secretly.

Taehyung: The only person who could have known this is the main leader.

Min Yoongi: That means that the person that Jimin's aunt asked to get the information from...

Taehyung: Has ties to the main leader.

J-Hope: Oh my God! Jimin can't lose his aunt! Not like this, she raised Jimin while his parents were studying abroad for school.

Namjoon: We need to be with Jimin.

Taehyung: We can't, but J-Hope can.

Namjoon: Why not?

Min Yoongi: Because it is possible that there is another mole looking on behalf of the main leader to see if she makes it. If the mole sees all of us together with Jimin, then we all could face another wrath of the main leader.

Namjoon: God, I didn't even think about that.

Taehyung: Min Yoongi is right. J-Hope, you go be with Jimin and stay with him. Text us what you can if you can. We need to meet at the safehouse as soon as possible.

Namjoon: How do we know that no one has followed us to the safehouse?

Taehyung: I have installed surveillance cameras and motion sensors.

Namjoon: When did you do that?

Taehyung: I did it when I first hid Jungkook. After we searched the safehouse to see if Jungkook was there, I upgraded the system. No one has been there.

Min Yoongi: That's a relief.

Taehyung: We need to leave immediately. Min Yoongi, you should leave first and meet us at the pizza place not far from the department. Namjoon and I will go see Jin to throw off any suspicious mole looking to see us with Jimin. When we leave the pizza place, I will go by my place and park in the back. Namjoon will stay in the car and let me know if he sees anything that could be a possible tail.

Min Yoongi: That way we can make sure that Jimin's aunt's accident was indeed a real accident.

J-Hope: Good idea. Let's go, I will see you guys tonight and hopefully Jimin will be there.

Min Yoongi left the hospital and headed towards the pizza place. Taehyung and Namjoon went to Jin's room, and they were shocked when they saw someone standing over Jin.

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