Chapter 46

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Dear Dad,

The first thing that I want to tell you is that I love you and I could not have asked for a better father than you. You treated me and Ian with so much love and care like we were your own flesh and blood. I hate the fact that Ian will not get the opportunity like I did to have that wonderful father and son relationship. As I watched Ian grow, I always told him about you and how amazing you are. I promised him that one day that I would find you and the three of us can be together again. Ian fell in love with you every time I talked about you. His face would light up brighter than the brightest star. But his brightness was taken away from him and as he lay in my arms dying, he told me to promise him to find you and tell you that he loves you.

It broke my heart badly seeing his life taken away from him. He was the purest and kindest soul, dad. I wished that you could have met him. But I was consumed by grief and anger that I hung out with the wrong crowd to seek my revenge. Dad, I have done things that I am not proud of and wanted to make amends for. I just didn't know where to start since, I was in too deep in the wrong circle. But then everything changed when I met a beautiful soul. He was truly amazing and for the first time in my life since Ian's death, I felt love in my heart.

I was too nervous to approach him, but unfortunately, Felix saw I was head over heels for this beautiful soul. All I wanted was to protect him from my world, but I failed him. And yet, another soul saved him. I was so happy that someone saved him, but I was heartbroken that it wasn't me. I wanted to be with him and enjoy the love that he had restored in my heart.

I longed to see him, but I knew he was safe, and I should be happy. But my happiness came to an end when I found out that Felix found him. When I learned that Felix kidnapped him, my world came crashing down. I had to save him no matter the cost. When I entered Felix's dungeon of terror, I heard his painful screams. I couldn't take it anymore and mustarded enough confidence and courage in myself to face Felix. The sight that I saw created a rage in me that I never knew that I had. The poor beautiful soul that I love was crying in pain and when I saw Felix grabbing the gun, I quickly intervened.

The bullet only grazed his head, but the shock caused him to faint. I render Felix unconscious and get the person I love out of there. I had to make sure that Felix would never find him, so I snuck him out of the country and checked him into a center for victims of sexual assault. It is not safe for him to return to the person that he loves the most. Dad, I am going to end this nightmare, so the one I love can come home safely. I need you, dad to do this one favor for me and it will be the last one that I will ever ask you.

Once Felix and the main leader of the drug operation, and the Commissioner are gone, please return the one I love to the love of his life. Form a relationship with him dad and make him feel safe just as you made me feel safe. His name at the center is Min Ethan and the receptionist has a copy of your photo. I told her that the one I loved was my brother and that our father would come and bring him back home. I don't know if the one I love would remember everything that had happened to him. So, I left a package in the bag, I gave it to him should he forget who he was and information on his new name and who you are. I gave him a photo of you as well and to get to know you when you come and get him. When I left him at the center and tucked him in bed, he said something that was beautiful.

It must mean something important to him, so I wrote it down. When I returned, I set things in motion to throw people off his trail. I wrote what he said on a note and placed it in his car. I took his car and phoned him to the airport. I paid the airport lady to charge his phone and showed her your picture. I knew that you and the one I love partner will be looking for him. I told her to give the phone to you two. I paid his boss at the bar to lie to anyone looking for him. To say that his brother came and got him.

When you find this letter dad, I will have his passport and papers under his new name Min Ethan ready for you, so you can bring him home. It would also mean that I am no longer alive. I hope that I will get a chance to see you one more time before leaving this earth. But there is no guarantee that it will be possible. I know Felix will ask me where I took my love, his prisoner. I will tell him where one feels safe.

I am sorry that we will not meet again for a long time, and this will be the last time you will hear from me. I just want you to know that I love you very much and you mean so much to me. I am sorry for the pain that innocent people have suffered from the hands of three people with no heart or compassion. Dad, dad, dad this is the hardest letter that I've ever written. I just want to hold you one more time. As I leave you, please share your love as a father to others. Your love is a blessing and continue to let it grow. I love you, dad. Hopefully, I will see on the other side with Ian, and we will be a family again.

As Min Yoongi finished reading Han's letter, everyone was crying. Taehyung stopped holding Jungkook and they both got up to hold Min Yoongi. The others soon followed, to give a group hug that lasted for a few more minutes in silent tears. Min Yoongi was holding on to Taehyung and Jungkook tightly, then Taehyung shared what was in his heart.

Taehyung: We all have suffered a great amount of pain over the past several months and look at us now. We have grown together and formed a strong bond of love for each other. We may not have all the answers to the questions we have asked. But now they don't matter anymore, because we all have survived, and we all are still here together as a family. Let us celebrate our first night as a family and many more nights as a family.

Min Yoongi: I like the sound of that.

Taehyung: My love.

Jungkook: Hmm.

Taehyung: It is no longer you and I anymore. We have a family now and we are home. (Jungkook smiling and gives Taehyung a hug)

Jin: Come everyone, let's eat before the dinner gets too cold. (Sniffling)

As everyone gave a light chuckle, they all took their seats around the table. Min Yoongi placed Han's letter in his pocket and sat down next to Taehyung. The dinner was filled with laughter and smiles of happiness, Taehyung needed to use the restroom and excused himself. After he used the restroom, he checked himself in the mirror to straighten his clothes and felt something in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw that his name was on a piece of folded paper. He opened the paper and read it.

Dear Taehyung,

We have not formally met, but my name is Noon Han, but I prefer the name that I was meant to have Min Han. If you are reading this letter, then the nightmare that was created by Felix and Ming has ended. I am finally free. I want to apologize to you for what Felix did to your love. I'm sorry that he went through hell, because of my love for him and his desire to be with you. I cannot change the past but hope that you will be able to forgive me for not being strong enough to protect your love from harm. I hope that you two are together again and that your love for each other continues to grow deeper. Please don't be angry at my father for keeping you in the dark.

He honored my final wishes and returned to you your love. Please look after my father and love him like a father. Now you and your love are his sons. I know he loves you both and will do anything for you two. I cannot take away the scars that were left behind, but please let the love that you have for each other shine. Grow the family and create a world of love within. The last thing that I ask of you is to please tell your love that I am not like Felix and Ming. Please tell him that I am the one who saved him and not the one who hurt him. I don't want to leave behind a bad image of Min Yoongi's son. Take care, Love Min Han.

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