Chapter 14

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Min Yoongi and Namjoon arrived at Narcotics and found the captain. Jin was nowhere to be found. The Captain of Narcotics asked what was going on and Namjoon informed him that Jin has been kidnapped by a psychopath killer. Captain Jung sends out some officers to track down Jin's last footsteps, by telling them to search surveillance cameras and talk to people on the street. The officers were scrambling trying to find Jin. Jin's car was searched nearby, but there were no signs of him, or anything left to show what happened.

Namjoon and Captain Jung continued to call Jin's phone, but no answer. Captain Jung put a trace on Jin's phone to see if they could catch a break. Captain Jung told Namjoon that he would keep them posted if they found Jin. Min Yoongi and Namjoon left Narcotics and drove to the examiner's office to see if Ming had left any clues like he did before. When they arrived at the examiner's office, J-Hope and Jimin finished the autopsy of Amber's father.

The report stated the obvious that the victim was beaten to death with a baseball bat, but they did find a partial print and it belongs to Lin. Namjoon and Min Yoongi have no idea where Jin was taken, and they do not know if Jin is even alive. This was the first time that a detective was kidnapped in broad daylight with no witnesses to cooperate with the police. It would only be a matter of time before the detectives learn what Ming and Lin planned on doing to him.

Slowly waking up, Jin finds himself tied up to a chair with blood coming down his face. As he opens his eyes and blinks to see clearly, Jin realizes that he was taken from the department and was in pain. His mouth had a rag tied around it, and moments later he heard a door open with footsteps. There was a bright light shining from a flashlight in his eyes. It was Lin with a big smile on his face. Jin changed his breathing to angry breaths.

Lin: Don't worry. Ming is not going to kill you yet. He still needs you for his cat and mouse game. (Jin struggling to break himself free.) You know it is not easy cutting off a hand to please the boss. A sacrifice made to make sure that the boss man does not kill me was worth it. (Jin muffled yelling at Lin and then the door opens again. This time Ming walks in).

Ming: Hello, Jin. (His deep voice sends shivers down Jin's spine. Jin noticed a sharp weapon in Ming's hand.) It is a pleasure to meet face to face. You are quite handsome and yet you pissed off Jason. Which is a big no, no with me. (Jin's breathing increased as Ming walked towards him.) Oh, you are worrying about what I am going to do with this. You will see eventually, but first thing first. Jason.

Lin: Yes.

Ming: What would you like to do to him?

Lin: Make him scream before finishing him off.

Ming: Sounds good to me. Have your way with him while I finish setting things in motion. Come get me when you are done.

Lin: Will do. (Ming leaves and Jin is trying to break free again, but still has no success.) Well, well, well. Now that we are alone, I shall get started.

Lin punches Jin unconsciously. After a while, Jin woke up again, but he was not tied to a chair anymore. He was tied to a table that was covered in dried blood in a ninety-degree angle. The smell made him want to gag, but Lin came into the room with a sinter look on his face. Jin still showing anger in his eyes, still unable to talk because of the rag in his mouth. Lin walked behind Jin and struck him with a weight belt. Jin, muffled, screams after each blow.

Lin, enjoying every moment of Jin's pain made him go wild with each strike. When Lin took a break from striking Jin, Jin's body was shaking and riddled with pain. Once Lin gained enough energy again, he was ready to torture Jin once more. This time Lin walked around the table and undressed Jin. With every painful thrust and the radiating pain from the painful beating, Jin did not move. He did not have the strength to cry out. Tears of pain stream down his face and he begins to lose conscience.

After some time passed, Jin woke up in intense pain when he heard a door opening. As he looks up, he sees Ming and Lin staring at him. To his horror the sharp weapon that was in Ming's hand was a long-bladed knife. Ming slowly walks to Jin with an evil smirk on his face.

Ming: This is going to hurt like hell, and you may or may not survive.

Jin's breathing intensified as Ming came close and he was screaming with each blow as Lin stood by and watched. Ming told Lin to go to the next phase and send the letter that he had written. Once he has done that come back and delivers Jin's body to the destination site.

Namjoon and Min Yoongi left the examiner's office after spending a half hour there and Min Yoongi received a phone call. He told Namjoon that the Commissioner needs to see him and to drop him off at the Commissioner's office. Namjoon heard the Commissioner yelling at Min Yoongi over the phone. Namjoon dropped off Min Yoongi and headed back to homicide. When Namjoon arrived at the homicide, he was truly upset and frustrated. His desk phone rang.

Namjoon: Homicide.

Lin: Hello, Detective.

Namjoon: Oh, you son of bitch! Where is Jin?!

Lin: Jin is alive, but he does not have much time. (Chuckling)

Namjoon: Where is he?!

Lin: You can find him at this address 1855 Fires Lane in an abandon warehouse. But I must warn you. You better come with Captain Min Yoongi and no one else, or else I will kill him right now. (Hangs up).

Namjoon: Fuck!!

Namjoon wrote down the address and called Min Yoongi to say that he was on his way to pick him up and to go get Jin. Min Yoongi told Namjoon to have backup meet them there, but Namjoon told him that Lin threatens to kill Jin if he did. Min Yoongi responded shit and told Namjoon to hurry, and he would be outside waiting. The address that Lin gave was exactly forty-five minutes away from the Commissioner's Office.

When they arrived at the address, they immediately went inside the warehouse. As they were carefully searching the first floor, Min Yoongi heard a noise and told Namjoon to stop. Min Yoongi opened the door where he heard a noise and he saw Jin there lying in blood. Min Yoongi told Namjoon it was Jin, and, in that moment, Lin appeared and struck Min Yoongi and punched Namjoon. Min Yoongi was fighting Lin, but Lin had the upper hand. When Namjoon joined in on the fight, Lin also beat Namjoon after Namjoon landed a few punches.

Min Yoongi tried his best to defeat Lin but did not have much success. After Lin knocked down Min Yoongi, he took off running. Namjoon slowly got up and went over to Jin as Min Yoongi slowly got up off the floor and called for help. Jin was alive but cut down badly. When help arrived, the medics put Jin in an ambulance, and he was unconscious. Both Namjoon and Min Yoongi were bruised, but the men walked out of the warehouse. Min Yoongi looked at Namjoon and told him not to tell anyone at the station that they got their asses kicked by a one hand bandit. Namjoon nodded that he understood.

Namjoon and Min Yoongi went to the hospital with Jin to see how his condition was. They waited for 3 hours, and the doctor came out and informed them that Jin was in critical condition, and he was not out of the woods yet. Min Yoongi asked if they could see him, and the doctor told them yes and took them to see Jin and he looked horrible. Namjoon told Jin that they are going to get Lin and Ming and to make them pay for everything. Min Yoongi stood still while he was listening to the monitors beeping.

After standing still for five minutes, Min Yoongi gently touched Jin's feet and told Namjoon that no officer deserves to be put in this position. He looked at Namjoon and told him to take the rest of the day off. Tomorrow, Taehyung will return, and they will continue to find these assholes and do not rest until they do. Namjoon asked Min Yoongi where he was going after he stopped touching Jin's feet. Min Yoongi responded that he was going back to the station for a few more hours and then he would head on home. 

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