Chapter 10

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Greetings Detectives,

You are probably wondering why I keep sending these letters to the examiner's office and not you directly. The truth be told, I want you to read the letter while admiring my handy work. I am a true artist when it comes to the masters of death. As you can see by what I did to Ghost was the art of perfection on that son of a bitch. But the question remains if you can find me since I am so far ahead of you and your team. Oh yes, I know you are working with a team, but you will not find me for I have found you all.

Let me guess where you are in the investigation as I count all my money from the sales of my famous black and blue logo MM drugs. That is right. You read correctly for my right-hand man successfully sold all the 40 kilos of drugs that I reclaim from you pigs. Now, back to the investigation, I believe it is fair to say that two of the detectives are looking for Jason and probably checking his phone records to track me. You guys are pathetic for, I truly know how the system works when it comes to these things. I know it like the back of my hand.

I figured you would be the one going to the examiner's office because I have eyes and ears everywhere. If I wanted to, I could easily kill your Captain or how about the Commissioner since he is always up your Captain's ass. Just for fun. Ha ha ha! Well, the facts remain that you guys are never going to find Jason, for I have taken good care of him. But most importantly, detective, how much do you value the lives of those two people in the room with you?

Oh yes, I have seen them at the apartment where they saw Ghost's body. I could kill them too if I wanted to, but if I did that then who would put the pieces of my masterpieces back together? That is the true beauty of having smart minds trying to figure out all that has happened to a deceased person. So, I decided to play a game with you and if you make it to the end, then you shall see my face. Oh, by the way, if I were you, I would stand at least 10 feet from that phone. Because as soon as your partner calls it...Ka-boom in 30 seconds.

As I got to the end of reading the letter, the burner phone rang, and I yelled at Jimin and J-Hope to get out and take cover. By the time we reached halfway down the hall the lab exploded with enough force that destroyed what was left of Ghost's body and any other physical evidence that would build a strong case. However, I still had his letter and Jimin and J-Hope were okay just a little shaken. I needed to call Namjoon and tell him what happened as well as the captain.

Jin contacted his informants to see if they had eyes on Lin while Namjoon was on the phone with the phone company. One of Jin's informants told him that the last time they had eyes on Lin was when he left the station. He saw Lin get a phone call outside the station and he was on the phone for a good amount of time. The informant informed Jin that they did lose sight of Lin for about an hour but did find him again at the bar where Jin and Namjoon arrested him. Jin hangs up the phone after Namjoon received a fax from the phone company.

Jin: Namjoon.

Namjoon: Yeah.

Jin: Lin has been found. He is at the bar where we arrested him. My informant said that he is still there.

Namjoon: Why would he go back to the bar again?

Jin: Because he's stupid?

Namjoon: This is no time for jokes. Let's head over there. There is one number that appears multiply times on the records. I will see if we can get a location while heading to the bar.

Jin: Okay, let's go.

When Jin and Namjoon arrived at the bar and went inside, they did not see Lin anywhere. Jin went to the men's bathroom to check and see if Lin was in there. No one was inside the bathroom. Jin walked out and shook his head at Namjoon that Lin was not in the bathroom. Namjoon asked the bartender who was not the bartender that he met before if he had seen Lin and showed him Lin's photo.

The bartender does not know Lin or where he went but told them they can check the back of the building. The back way leads to an ally. Jin and Namjoon went out back and no one was in the ally. Namjoon told Jin that there was no telling how long Lin has been gone. Jin agreed and told Namjoon to search that side of the alley while he searched the other. As Jin got to the dumpster, he saw blood running on the side of it. He called for Namjoon to come over and when Namjoon arrived and saw the blood, he told Jin that he was going to open the dumpster.

When Namjoon opened the dumpster the odor of death was released in the air, but it was not human. It was a dead dog and next to it Namjoon sees a Ziploc bag with a burner phone in it and a letter. Namjoon asked Jin does he had any gloves and Jin did and gives him a pair. Namjoon told Jin that there was a phone and letter in a bag. Jin asked what the letter said. When Namjoon opened the letter and read the first few lines and told Jin that he would not believe it. Jin asked him what it was.

"Call this number if you want to find me." Jin pulled out his phone and dialed the number as Namjoon called them out. The phone rang and then suddenly the ringing stopped. Jin asked Namjoon what else the letter said. Namjoon continued to read the letter out loud to Jin.

Dear Detectives,

Let me formally introduce myself. I am Ming Mason, the one you are searching for. Call this number if you want to find me 773-555-0123. After you dial the number, you should hear a ring and then nothing at all. The reason that you do not hear anything afterwards would be that you just called the burner phone that I planted in Ghost, which exploded at the examiner's office. Yes, that call was the detonator, and it was a bang. But I digress. I am the man running the drug operation of this city with the lovely black and blue logo.

I know you are looking for Jason, but you will not find him and the blood there at the dumpster was the dog's blood. Jason was of great service to me, and I am not going to lose him to you filthy pigs. Jason completed the task I sent him on and if you find him, you will regret it for I have the power and resources to end your life. By the way, you better check on your friends and see if they are still breathing. I will be seeing you soon.

Jin and Namjoon quickly ran to the car and Namjoon called Min Yoongi. Min Yoongi told him to meet him at the examiner's office, because he received word of several emergency calls about an explosion. 

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