Chapter 48

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While Jungkook and Taehyung were talking outside, Min Yoongi filled the others in on his investigation in finding Jungkook. As they were listening to Min Yoongi, Ivan was watching the interaction between Jungkook and Taehyung. Jin was curious as to why Ivan was looking at the couple.

Jin: Ivan?

Ivan: Yes. (Looking at Jin)

Jin: Why are you staring at them? They are having a much-needed private moment.

Ivan: I'm sorry, but after hearing everything that they have gone through, I feel like I am witnessing a true love. It is rare to see the beauty of true love between two people. They look amazing together.

Jin: Ivan that was so beautiful of you to say that.

Namjoon: I am happy that they are together again.

Jimin: It is good to see Taehyung happy again.

J-Hope: Yes, they are a beautiful sight to see. So, what are we going to do now?

Jimin: What do you mean?

J-Hope: I mean what are we going to do now. You and I are still at the crime lab, are you guys going back into law enforcement once you are cleared to return?

Ivan: That is a good question. Jin, I know you have been thinking a lot about it. Have you decided?

Jin: (Takes a deep breath) Yes, I have decided, and I decided not to return to law enforcement.

All responded: What?

Jin: Yes, I want to a job where I can come home early and do not have to worry about the stress of solving cases and dealing with death.

Ivan: What do want to do? You always wanted to be a cop.

Jin: Yes, I did, and I have lived and worked as a cop for a long time. And after this ordeal with the case... I want to have a safer job.

Namjoon: What job are you considering?

Jin: I am considering opening a small café that is only open for the hours of breakfast and lunch. That way, I can have dinner with my family and my new friends that are now my family.

Min Yoongi: Sounds like a good plan. What about you, Namjoon?

Namjoon: Well... I think a change in scenery is worth it. I don't like being shot and the injuries to my feet... I don't want to be desk bound. So, Jin if you open the café, I would like to help you run it.

Jin: Really?! That would be great!

Jimin: What about you, Min Yoongi?

Min Yoongi: I have an idea that I would like to run by Taehyung.

Namjoon: Huh? Can we hear it?

Min Yoongi: Sure. While I was away with Jungkook during his recovery, I thought about opening a center for people that are victims of crimes and providing services to help them meet their needs to recover and heal. I have grown to love Jungkook as a son and spending time with him put things into perspective for me. I want to create a safe place where beautiful broken souls can feel safe and get the help, they need without feeling being judged.

Namjoon: That would be amazing, sir.

Jimin and J-Hope: Agreed.

Jin: Ivan, what are your plans after med school?

Ivan: I want to open a small clinic to treat families who are struggling to receive medical services due their circumstances.

Jin: I'm so proud of you little brother.

Ivan: Thank you. Ah, they are coming back in. (Jungkook and Taehyung walking in together holding hands)

Min Yoongi: How are my two lovebirds? (Taehyung and Jungkook blushing)

Taehyung: We... we are fine and Jungkook is ready to go home with you. (Everyone's face was shocked)

Min Yoongi: Home with me? But...

Jungkook: I will explain in the car, dad. (Taehyung giggling a little bit)

Min Yoongi: Uh... ok, you two are up to something. (They were both smiling)

Jungkook: Come, dad let's go home and have a nice talk. (Min Yoongi trying to speak but was cut off) It was nice meeting you all and hopefully soon we can do this again.

Jin: Absolutely! Just say when.

Taehyung: I will walk you both out. (They leave)

Jimin: Why would Jungkook want to go home with Min Yoongi and not Taehyung?

J-Hope: No clue.

Namjoon: I do.

J-Hope: What are we missing?

Namjoon: Taehyung is putting Jungkook's needs before his. He wants Jungkook to take his time and not to feel pressured to go back to the way things were with them before this case. For what I've seen, he loves Jungkook to death and would do anything to make sure that he feels safe and feels Taehyung's love for him again.

Ivan: Wow, uncle. You do have a way with words.

They all started laughing while Taehyung walked Jungkook and Min Yoongi to the car. Jungkook explained the compromise to Min Yoongi, and he agrees to the compromise. They all hugged each other goodnight and Min Yoongi and Jungkook drove away. Once they were out of his sight, Taehyung begins to cry. He is happy to see his love again and to hold him again. But he knows they both need time to heal their wounds so they can have a healthy relationship again. He touched Han's letter, and, in that moment, he knew what he was planning to do.

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