31. I-

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2 months later.....

"How about this one?" Jimin asked while showing a wedding suit to the younger.

"Nice...." Jungkook spoke plainly, quite interested in his phone.

"Stop texting that alien and pay your attention over here Jeon!" Jungkook gulped at the angry short man and immediately puts his phone in his pocket, cheeks red in embarrassment for getting caught.

"Su-sure hyung."

"Now tell me, is this good?" Jungkook looked at the suit and shakes his head in disapproval.

"Too much designed!"

"OK. This one?" Jimin showed another

"Nope" Jungkook pouted

"I want a simple yet elegant one hyung."

"Too much picky for a designer." Jimin groaned and turned around to look for younger's preference.

Jungkook's phone vibrates in his pocket, making him sigh and take it out to see who it is, only to smile widely.

Taehyung Hyungie
You still not done with shopping

My Red
Nope! Jimin hyung is choosing the wrong one and I am not liking it!

Taehyung chuckled

Taehyung hyungie
Aww... should I come?

My Red
Nope, Jimin hyung will get angry......

Taehyung hyungie
I seriously hate this marriage ritual of not looking at your spouse before marriage!

Jungkook giggled

My Red
But we gotta follow it hyungie, mom strictly instructed it.

Taehyung hyungie
Yea yea whatever...

Jungkook knew that the older was probably grumpy till now so he thought to change the topic

My Red
By the way..... my designing team informed that your mansion is almost done. Just some finishing furniture fittings are left and you are all set up!

Taehyung hyungie
*we are all set up bun

Jungkook looked down shyly, the magic Kim Taehyung holds to make him blush even from so far makes him giddy

My Red
Yea yea whatever.....
But, I got to know you did some last minute changes with the designs.

Taehyung smirked, oh those changes were gonna be heaven.....

Taehyung hyungie
I did?

My Red
Don't act innocent Mr! Why didn't you told me earlier.

Taehyung smiled foolishly, already imagining younger's pouty lip through the sentence.

Taehyung hyungie
Have patience petal, you are gonna be there soon anyway

My Red
Bye! Jimin hyung is calling

Taehyung laughed at younger's reply. Oh just how cute his baby could be!

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