『 Chapter One 』

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3𝓻𝓭 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓟𝓞𝓥

Y/N L/N came from a wealthy family, who were on the brink of collapse.
They were about to fall below the rich standards!

Y/N's father, although a business man, was very gullible. Hoaxes would target him as he had sufficient money and power needed.

Their mother was just another woman trying to use him for his riches - which she succeeded in.

After F/N became no longer of any use to her, she divorced him.
Y/N's father fell into depression, his health deteriorating.

M/N took their younger sister - S/N - and a large sum of money with her to the city, leaving the rest of the family on their own.

B/N and Y/N racked their brains for solutions to keep the family wealth stable but to no avail.

The most they could do, with Y/N still in junior high, was work part-time jobs.

Her older brother, B/N was able to get higher paying jobs as he was over 18.

Even with all their efforts, it would still not be enough.

❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

A few months later, they received an invitation to a party. The Akabanes were looking for a partner for their son.

Invitations were sent to multiple girls of similar ages in wealthy families. The L/Ns being a part of that category.

Y/N's phone started to ring. She scanned the caller ID and her expression darkened.

It was the vile woman herself, M/N M/L/N.

'What does the old hag want now?' Y/N allowed her thoughts to roam freely as she reluctantly answered the call.

"Hello." She said dryly, waiting for her mother's response. Most likely to be a scold, 'why did you pick up so late.' Something like that.

Instead, her voice was sweet and soft. The one you'd hear from a mother to her baby.

"Y/N, dear~ I've missed you so much, how've you been?~" Any other person would've mistaken it as a loving mother checking up on her child.

However, Y/N knew far too much to fall for the same tricks used on her father.

Anytime her parents fought, M/N would always come crawling back with this very same voice.

"I've been fine. I'm sure you've had a nice time." Y/N grit through her teeth.

"We're not here to talk about me, darling. I'm here to offer you a proposal~" M/N said, her voice as sweet as honey.

"Denied." Just as Y/N was about to end the call, her mother spoke up.

"It's about your father-"

She hesitated. What about her father?

"I know all about F/N's depression and how he can't make anymore money." Her tone of voice changed back to its usual haughty self.

"So what? It's not like you give a damn about us anymore." Y/N couldn't hold in her frustration.

"Wha- Of course I do, honey." M/N rebuked.

"If that were true, maybe you wouldn't of left us!"

"Y/N! L/N! How dare you speak to me like that! Here I was, giving you a way to solve your problems and this is how you treat me?!" Rage could be heard in her mother's voice.

Y/N had to admit, she did want to hear if her mother had a solution. She bit her tongue, "Mother- I'm sorry... would you tell me?"

"The way to solve your problems is to get engaged to Karma Akaba-"

"Nuh uh." Y/N ended the call.

signing off~ 03/09/23

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