『 Chapter Eighteen 』

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Y/N found herself the centre of attention during her dinner with the Akabanes.

It was a different house from the one that hosted the party. This one was smaller and felt more homely.

The four of them - Y/N, Karma, Mama Akabane, and Papa Akabane - sat around a large circular table.

Karma and Y/N facing each other with his parents on opposite ends.

Everybody was staring at Y/N, barely touching their food.
I thought this was a dinner party- Y/N mentally sweat-dropped.

On their plates was Harumaki and Gyoza, at least, that's what the server said.

Y/N didn't understand the need for fancy names, couldn't they have just said spring rolls and dumplings?

Using her chopsticks, Y/N picked up a dumpling, making sure her posture and way of eating was all correct.

"Let me introduce myself properly~" Karma's mother spoke up while Y/N politely chewed.

"This is my husband Kureno, and my name is Ayame. Although, you can just call me mamma~"

Ayame blurted those words effortlessly, like it was as natural as breathing.

Y/N was startled by the sudden suggestion and thought of how similar their mothers were.

"I couldn't-" Y/N said nervously, feeling the pressure of Ayame's intense stare.

"Maybe if you two knew each other for longer than half an hour, I'm sure Y/N would be up for it." Karma put emphasis on how he used her first name once again.

'It's L/N!' Y/N discreetly mouthed these words to her fiancé across the table while pretending to dab her mouth with a napkin.

Kureno, Karma's father, had noticed their exchange but remained silent like he had the whole dinner.

Y/N took a drink from her overly-fancy glass filled with sparkling iced tea.

"So how's school?" Ayame asked, resting her head in her palm and her elbow on the table.

She was talking to Y/N, who shot Karma a glance to answer for her.

"School's great mother, in fact, Y/N and I sit right next to each other," Karma replied in a rather pompous tone.

"She's always asking for my help during lessons, which strengthens our bond even more so."

He successfully avoided the topic of their unusual teacher but at the cost of damaging Y/N's image.

She threw him a glare that screamed, 'Fuck you, asshole.'

Y/N managed to do a quick laugh like most of the noble girls could pull off, "Oh Akabane, you make the most delightful jokes~ Isn't it you who asks for my help?"

"That's funny, I can't seem to remember any specific time that happened." The two, even at a 'family dinner' couldn't help but argue with each other.

"Really? Shall I schedule a doctors appointment for you? It seems your memory must be lacking." It was an invisible war, the only weapons allowed were words.

Ayame found their passive-aggressive way of speaking to be quite amusing.

"I suppose you'll have to order one for yourself too."

The battle would've been never-ending. Karma's mother certainly wasn't going to interrupt and the two seemed to be quite competitive.

Fortunately, the server, who had a fine moustache, placed four plates onto the table.

"For the entrée, we have baked salmon fresh from the oven." His accent was a little bit heavier than Monsieur Pierre's.

[A/N: I just find it fun to include stereotypical French people 😭]

On tree ( entrée) what?
Y/N's mind was spinning from the over complicated names.

Nevertheless, she made sure to wear a bright smile to hide her complete inner-confusion.

Y/N examined her plate like it was some unknown specimen. How could one dish look so posh?

The fish was plated in the centre with some sort of leaf on top. To the side was a slice of lemon and unnecessary design from a blob of sauce.

Originally, Ayame had intended to question Y/N until she had no more answers but that had been cut short due to the interaction between Y/N and her son.

Instead, Ayame cut straight to the good part.

"How do you two feel about a wedding-photoshoot?"

• *° °

I've had this idea for soooo long and now I can finally use it.

Honestly, I've been dying about it. I think of so many scenarios and then cry that I can't do them.

I apologise to any French people out there and anyone else I offended.

I need to wake up in 5hrs and 33 minutes 💀

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Idk if the argument was too dry 😭

This chapter's emoji:


Only the reals ones do it

signing off~ 25/09/23

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