『 Chapter Twenty One 』

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It was the start of the day and lessons hadn't started yet.

Students gathered at the front of the classroom to avoid the ominous aura that Y/N gave off at the back.

"She seems annoyed. I don't think we should bother her." Kataoka discussed.

"L/N might be feeling lonely though!" Kurahashi whined.

"I can ensure you, she's not." Okano dismissed her worries.

The only person who remained immune to Y/N's menacing air sat relaxed in his chair with his arms supporting his head.

Karma had an unbothered look on his face as he faced the classroom's wooden ceiling.

Their classmates could only barely make out what he was saying to her.

"I'm-" Karma paused as if he was thinking about what to say next, "-sorry, okay?"

"Fucking liar!" Y/N cursed, her back facing him with her hands crossed, her ring finger shining.

"-it's not a big deal~" he couldn't help but crack a smirk at her childish behaviour.

"You're not the one planning-" she lowered her voice to avoid anybody else hearing, "a fucking engagement party."

Y/N recalled the events of last night.

❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

She had stormed downstairs and explained to Karma's parents that he still needed to cool his head.

Of course, he just had to show up anyway.

The four of them sat around the table eating dessert while Ayame went through plans she had for the future.

The earliest plan was the photoshoot but then they had to attend an engagement ceremony.

Ayame had gotten really excited: her eyes lit up when speaking about it.

And if the party wasn't enough for her, Karma had to open his big mouth and ruin things.

"Actually mother, didn't she tell you? Y/N said that she'd like to organise the engagement ceremony herself."

The one in question still had to process his words; by the time she realised, it was too late.

"Really?! That's such great news! I'm relieved that you're so accepting from the start." Ayame exclaimed in joy.

Y/N nodded instinctively which led to the suffering and distress she would feel in the morning.

❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

Y/N lay dejected over her desk, wishing she could do things over.

"Well, what would we do without an engagement party? We're official now anyway." Karma looked at the metal around her finger.

❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

Yesterday, before she went home, Karma and Y/N were forced to act out a little scenario.

Karma swiftly got down on one knee and opened a small red velvet box. Inside was a sparkling diamond ring.

"Y/N L/N, will you marry me?" He had a stupid smirk on his face that made her want to kick him.

Y/N glanced at his parents - who watched with expectancy - and uttered the word just like the day of the party.

"-yes." She held out her left hand.

Karma slipped the diamond ring onto her ring finger and kissed it. The ring fit perfectly on Y/N.

Karma read off of the script in front of him, "May we live happily ever after."

His parents clapped, "Wonderful, splendid! I just know my grandchildren will be so cute."

Y/N choked on air.

• *° °

Thank you so much for reading this far, I really appreciate it.

I just love reading all of the comments on the chapters.

I'm sorry if I haven't really been giving them scenes while they're in school since they can only talk better when they're out.

Hope you have a good day/night!!

This chapter's emoji is


No one could've guessed it 🤷‍♀️
Only the real ones do it btw

signing off~ 30/09/23

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