- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
3𝓻𝓭 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓟𝓞𝓥It was the vile woman herself.
"Mother, may we go home now?" Y/N pleaded, desperation visible in her eyes.
Her mother gave her a smile, "and why would we do that, dear? Everyone's congratulating us."
Replacing her desire to go home was a desire to slap that fake-ass smile off of her mother's face.
Although those feelings quickly resolved and her original ones returned.
"Ms M/L/N-" Karma was cut off.
M/N flicked her H/C hair back, "oh please, darling. Just call me mother~" she looked so proud of herself.
"I mean we're practically family already." M/N laughed arrogantly.
"It's quite an honour how you chose my failure of a daughter over the perfect options." She passive-aggressively insulted Y/N.
Her mother continued to ramble on, "I mean- she has no good qualities whatsoever yet your good heart looked passed that. But I suppose every man has weird tastes."
Karma had heard just about enough. He didn't want to say anything as it wasn't his mother.
His eyes trailed down to Y/N, who remained still, frozen and dejected.
She didn't seem to be the things her mother was describing. Regardless, Karma thought nobody deserved to be treated that way, not even by their own mother.
"I do hope you'll stop spouting nonsense." He spoke up, Y/N's eyes brightened once more.
"I don't believe anyone has the right to speak of others that way." Karma firmly stated.
"W-Well- Uh-uh." M/N hadn't experienced this feeling before, the shame of being stood up to.
She didn't know how to react, not wanting to risk hurting relations with the Akabanes.
"W-Well I suppose you're right, dear." Her mother backed up, "I think I see one of my business partners here- enjoy the party-" M/N evacuated the premises.
"Hey, Akabane." Y/N's voice returned after seeing her mother leave, "Thanks for that."
Karma turned his head towards her.
"No pro-" he was interrupted by Y/N's stomach growling.Her ears burned and became red like strawberries, "I'm just exhausted!!"
Karma chuckled at how she tried to cover up the fact that she was hungry.
He didn't say a word and led her to the buffet table. Fancy foods were lined up across the long table and covered it completely.
Karma immediately reached for the macrons. Y/N slapped his hand away, "take savoury foods first!"
"Yeah, yeah, I was just about to." He fibbed, knowing it was painfully obvious that it wasn't true.
The pair grabbed their food and sat down at an empty table in a secluded area.
Y/N sighed, "I want my phone." She popped an hors d'oeuvre into her mouth.
Karma bit into his long-awaited macron, "I want my games."
There was another awkward silence between them. Neither of them knew what to say to fill the gap.
Hey, you and I are engaged now!
Yeah, that's crazy.The idea was rejected before it was even considered.
"Do you wanna do something." Karma nonchalantly asked, not really expecting an answer.
"You can speak normally?!" Y/N was flabbergasted. She thought he was a weirdo who spoke like a pompous brat.
He started laughing as he wiped a tear from his eye.
"Who did you think I was? A snobby rich kid with nothing but free-time on his hands?""Wow you got it exactly right. Ten points to Akabane." Y/N replied in a monotone voice.
"Wanna go to the gardens? This place makes me sick." Karma took Y/N's hand, not waiting for a response. He pulled her in the direction of the doors.
"Whoops!!" Someone called out, splashing dark red wine all over Y/N.
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
I made this chapter a bit longer but not really haha. Are they too short?
I think it helps my motivation if they're in shorter chunks.
Anyways, please give any feedback you have on the story, I'd love to hear it.
( Criticisms included but please nothing too harsh. My baby heart can't take it )
It's 2am and I'm supposed to wake up at 7am. I woke up at 1pm this morning ( big difference) wish me luck.
signing off~ 18/09/23

K.Akabane || My Annoying Fiancé
Fanfiction『 Get engaged to Karma Akabane 』 Due to financial difficulties, you had no choice but to accept your mother's proposal. Only when it was too late, had you realised what you had gotten yourself into... ❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 [bad pacing, very slow burn] I don...