『 Chapter Twenty Six 』

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How the hell did this hit #1 in manga?! What the actual fuck.
It's hasn't even been two months yet.

So um thank you so much and I hope you will continue reading My Annoying Fiancé

• *° °

𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓟𝓞𝓥

I carefully slid the key into the lock, trying to be as quiet as possible as I unlocked the front door.

Just the fact that I was bringing a guy home was weird enough for me. Even though my mother was the one who allowed him to come over.

As well as mother and S/N, we had some other staff who were frequently in the house such as the cleaner, cooks, nanny.

I knew one thing for sure, they liked to gossip.

They had already teased me about Akabane in their own way. Like congratulating me even though they know I wanted no part of it.

This was the first time they'd actually meet him. I felt my body temperature  rising, probably due to nerves-

I tiptoed into the house, beckoning Akabane to follow in the same way. He did not, of course, but it didn't really matter.

Once I had closed the door I froze up. Why did I bring him here again?

What were we supposed to do now? Send him home?

I turned to face my fiancé, "why did you want to come over?"

"-cause I didn't wanna see my parents." He replied with a straight answer.

I thought he'd give me some stupid riddle, considering all he liked to do was mess with me.

His playful eyes turned cold like stone. His smile vanished into thin air.

I got the feeling he didn't want to talk about this anymore, "uh- do you want any snacks?" I changed the subject.

"No, I'm fine."

"Y/NN!" S/N called out from the top of the stairs. I turned around when I heard her rapid footsteps stop.

"S/N!" I yelled, my face twisted with horror. My sister had lost her balance and was heading head-first for the ground.

I can't make it in time!
Akabane's superhuman reflexes kicked in. In one swift glide, he was already by the staircase with S/N safely in his arms.

"You mustn't run down the stairs, alright?" His voice was smooth and kind, he smiled at S/N.

"Thank you, nice mister!" At least she wasn't scared or anything. Akabane set her down on the ground and spoke to her softly.

"Mister doesn't like that name so call me," he paused for a moment, "call me big brother~"

I stormed over there to protect S/N from this bad influence. The fucking audacity of this guy-

"Okay, big brother!" I halted after seeing my little sister's wide grin.

Maybe I'll let him have this. Just this once.

"S/N, he's here to play with you today~ what do you want to do?" I asked her. Akabane came over now he had pull his weight.

"I want to make cookies!" She beamed.

I became a bit nervous. After all, I could not bake to save my life-

• *° °

I honestly don't know what to say. I feel like these chapters have been coming a lot slower than usual.

My brain juice might be running a bit dry but I'll try get back into it.

Thank you all for voting and commenting on my chapters. It makes me really happy.

I love going on wattpad to see that orange notification in the corner. Even the tiniest details matters.

Hope you all have a great day or night <3

You know what to do

signing off~ 22/10/23

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